komos komoidia komoidos drama
prologue agon episodes
parodos parabasis
Aristophanes (c. 450/447/46 BCE - 386 BCE)
Banqueters 427 BCE 2nd?
Babylonians 426D
Acharnians 425L 1st
Horsemen/Cavalry (Knights) 424L 1st
Clouds 423D 3rd (418-416)
Wasps 422L 2nd
demos deme ekklesia boule archon prytanis strategos
514-510 tyrants expelled
490 Darius/ Marathon
480 Xerxes/Salamis
460s - "radical" democracy, rise of Pericles
431-404 Peloponnesian War
429 Pericles dies
427-422 Kleon(Cleon)
Socrates Chaerephon Sophists
Dionysos satyr maenad
Greater Dionysia 486 Lenaia 440
proagon choregos
theatron orchestra eisodos(parodos) skene
Wasps 422 2nd Lenaia
Kleon's Career, son of a tanner pro-war
populist/demagogue flamboyant speaker
427 proposed decree to execute rebel Mytileneans
426 sued Aristophanes for treason, Babylonians
425 achieved surrender of Spartans at Pylos
approved tribute increase on allies
raised jurors' pay from 2-3 obols
424/3 seems to have sued Aristophanes again over Knights
423 proposal to execute all Scioneans
422 killed in battle
Kyon of Kydathenaion = Cleonhound
Labes of Aixone Laches 427-425 Sicily
Procleon Bdelycleon (Contracleon)
Xanthias Sosias
Birds - 2nd placeD 414 BCE
Peithetairos = "Persuader" Makemedo
Euelpides = Goodhope
Hoopoe = Tereus, Thracian king with Nightingale
Meton Cinesias
Gods - Iris, Prometheus, Poseidon, Heracles, Triballos
= Jerkoffalot
415-413 first successful then utterly
disastrous Sicilian Expedition
Lysistrata - Lenaia? 411
Lysimache proboulos = magistrate (Sophocles)
400 5000
didaskolos chorodidaskolos
hypokrites technites
protagonistes, deuter-, trit- skenikos
mechane ekkyklema
30 Tyrants Thrasybulus Agyrrhius oligarch(y)