Aphorisms Collection
Second Black Notebook (March 2003 - )
Nota: Por flojera y globalización, he dejado de traducir al español, además de que la mayoría de los aforismos han aflorado en inglés... Si es requerida, se puede intentar una traducción automática al Español (No recomendado).
Freedom is when you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. -Nadia
The sweetest pies attract the nastiest flies...
Emergent properties are not statistical averages of the lower level. They are a different measurement (context) of the same abs-being. (But they can be related... somehow...)
Causation is a relation where you ignore the effect of the "consequent" on the "cause"
If everything abs-is related, but we only describe <aspects|rel-beings> of each thing, purposes only rel-are (some in greater/more direct degree than others), but there abs-is and abs-is not an universal purpose. Everything just abs-is, with and without explanation... independent of our descriptions.
My "scientific method" could be described like "breaking a piñata". You grab an idea, and hit it removing everything which its contextual uses have attached to it, and see what's left (In many cases there's nothing left...). This gives an <inverse measure|idea> of "observer-dependantness"...
A good book is one with great ideas in it.
A great book is one which promotes you to develop good ideas.
Le certain n'est pas la vérite et l'incertain n'est pas l'ignorance. -Ilya Prigogine, 1997
If my ideas are not stupid, they will be thought by others independently (including this one of course...)
Contradictions can only be <inside|relative to> a context: there abs-are no contradictions.
Everyone thinks the world according to their particular lenses
Any idea is valid in the context it was created, but no context can be completely described -> no way to know exactly if an idea will be valid in another context.
There have been so many ideas developed throughtout human history, that most of them will be repeated. But if they are not new and nobody used them, culture was just not ready for them. (doesn't mean ready now or some day will be)
What for to cover a well if a boy hasn't fallen into it?
It is really bizare to punish someone for the mistakes of yours. -Nadia
Science is advancing clumsily in a certain way, because the speed of production of new knowledge [by society] is much faster than the speed a human can absorb knowledge. Something has to be <done|rethought> about it...
We compute not to get numbers, but to get insights. -Hamming
Did you know that sex is a substitute for chocolate?
You can see any man as a genious or as a pitigul poor devil... but what/who makes the difference?
Art is not about what IS in the world. Art is about what makes me FEEL in the world. (while dreaming)
There's nothing as frightful as a man who thinks he's 100% right. -Nadia
Just as we see the naked human body with different eyes in different contexts (sex, medicine, sculpture, etc.), we see works of "art" with different eyes in different contexts (museums, TV, street, etc...): There are contexts where art is expected, and anything you put there will be considered as such. What about art "out of context"?
Context is always there... you can't get rid of it!
Is the world getting more complex,
or we are just realizing its complexity?
... what's nice about philosophy is that you can throw away all the scientific rigour out of the window...
We should doubt our reasons the same we doubt our experiences, since reasoning is an evolved experiencing (more complex cognition/behaviour, but both fruits from the same tree)
Imitation helps "solve" the free-rider "problem" and it promotes cooperation
The fact that imitation is everywhere is an indicator that it helps to prevent free-riding.
How could a part of the universe compute the whole universe
(including itself and its computations)???
(Abs)is evolution really open-ended?
Or it is just that we haven't seen its limits? (e.g. planet)-> timescales!
<El|La> que menosprecia a otros es <el|la> que no ve sus [propios] defectos.
(The one who despises others is the one who does not see <his|her> own defects)
The difference is not between those with defects and those without.
Everyone has defects.
The difference lies between those who don't accept them and those who do.
We can control much more how we accept things
than things themselves
Oh, how I hate people who hate people...
In evolutionary struggle, there are no absolute winners or losers... and they all learn something just by the strugggle... thats already <winning|earning> something
In complex systems you have self-organization just because you cannot fully control them, but only try to steer them; therefore the system does at least a bit of "self-control"
There's nothing that makes a woman so hysteric as telling her she's hysteric when she wasn't hysteric...
There (abs)are not people right or wrong. There are only people who think closer or father to the way YOU think...
Anything can be criticizable... also this phrase
Expect the unexpected
Las preguntas son más para preguntarse que para responderse
(Questions are more for being asked than for being answered)
Çíàíèÿ - ýòî áåç öåíû...
(Knowledge has no price (but in Russian sounds nicer...))
What makes an apple tasty? The apple or the taster? Both! (The taste lies in the relation)
What are you doing today to correct your defects?
(defect= misadaptation to current context)
Reversibility also depends on the abstraction level: e.g. melting of an ice cube is reversible at a higher scale: you can collect and freeze again the water. However, it is not reversible at the micro scale, there is no way of achieving the same cristalization pattern after melting
You can have great ideas, but in order to do science, you need to know how to communicate them. Otherwise, it's like a rainbow in the darkness...
Is the problem of a quantum particle in space (trajectory) related to a tree falling in the forest? (measurement => someone hearing?).
Particle abs-is, but rel-is in space? Or after measurement it also abs-is in space? Yes & no
How much can we speak about the abs-being of the particle, if we can observe its properties only through measurements? What about its relationship with its environment? (other particles) (also measurements)
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