“Lost in my own bookmarks...”
“Sciences, not even the hardest ones, are not purely objective, nor arts are purely subjective...”
“We can access reality only through models/metaphors”
“The more you scream, the less I'll hear”
“So few intelligent people, so many wise guys...”
“Belief in an absolute truth leads to intolerance”
“Is it me, or is it the context?”
“Nature brings us closer to ourselves”
“To fool others, you need to fool yourself first, thus becoming a fool”
*“The easiest way to cope with complexity is not having it”
“A failure is not that awful if you learn something from it”
*“People fear/hate other nations only when they don't know them”
*“If only cars were fueled by road rage...”
“The first step to understand people is to accept them as they are”
“Everybody is special. You just need to observe carefully...”
“For physicists, it is all downhill from here...”
*“Science deals with epistemology, not with ontology”
*“Finding your path is part of your path”
*“The more I know, the better I realize how little we know”
“Do things lose their colour in darkness?”
“What is the colour of things in darkess?”
*“Just because it has always been that way does not mean that it will always be so”
“If they don't love you how you are, they don't love you”
“Easy money is that earned doing what you like”
“E-mail addiction? There is no such thing. I check my e-mail only once a week... from monday to sunday...”
*“I am just a vehicle for the self-organization of the universe”
*“Everything tends towards its preferred state” (tautology)
*“Science should study everything, not only the questions for which it has proposed answers so far”
*“Every solution to a problem generates at least another problem”
“The problem of understanding complexity is that it is not possible to do so with a classical (Platonic) worldview. We need to develop a new worldview before complexity can be properly understood”
*“Violence is always led by fear”
“It is hard to understand that things are hard to understand”
“It is hard to explain that things are hard to explain”
“I am not my body, I am my organization”
“Those who fight will be hit”
“Know thyself... Even when you tend to hide from yourself”
*“One thing is to fit data, another to explain it”
“Good rules do not need enforcement. Everybody just follows them.”
*“You are a Buddha. Start acting like one.”
*“It's not about what you can do, but about what you dare to do”
“Simplicity is no reason, difficulty is no excuse” -Bruce Edmonds
“In natural selection, the environment is the observer” -Hugues Bersini
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it” -Alan Kay
“Science is a possibility to satisfy one's curiosity at the state's expense” -Lev Landau
“Yet as Humpty Dumpty famously discovered, we are not time reversible” -Stuart Kauffman, "Reinventing the Sacred", p. 13
“All models are wrong, but some are useful” -George Box
“Models are lies that tell us about the truths of the world”
“A "system" is a set of variables sufficiently isolated to stay [constant] long enough for us to discuss it.” -W. Ross Ashby
“Science is the Observer's Digest.” -W. Ross Ashby
“Nothing too long imagined can be perfect in a wordly way” -Anaïs Nin
“Love reduces the complexity of living” -Anaïs Nin
“I sometimes think that people's hearts are like deep wells. Nobody knows what's at the bottom. All you can do is guess from what comes floating to the surface every once in a while” -Haruki Murakami
“The world would be a pretty dull place if it were made up only of the first-rate, right?”-Haruki Murakami, 'Man-Eating Cats'
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it” -Haruki Murakami
“You can boast about anything if it's all you have” -John Steinbeck, 'East of Eden' p.4
“Someone's got to do these things, else Fate would not ever get nose-thumbed and mankind would still be clinging to the top branches of a tree” -Samuel Hamilton. In John Steinbeck, 'East of Eden' p.393
“It is one of the triumphs of the human soul that he can know a thing and still not believe it.” -John Steinbeck, 'East of Eden' p.448
“Don't make fun of grad students, they just made a terrible life choice” -Marge Simpson
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