*“People usually want more freedom, but less responsability”
*“Talent is not succeeding at once. Talent is failing until you succeed.”
“Remember that we are pretending not to be monkeys”
“Reality: always one step ahead of my most imaginative sarcasms”
“The more I travel, the more borders become artificial”
*“In science, there are no finished problems, only narrow-minded scientists”
“The fact that it has always been that way does not mean that it cannot change”
“Since I am finite, I tend to be biased towards speaking only about those things which I have experience with.”
“If I say: "I might be wrong", I cannot be wrong”
*“If you do not have the right perspective to see the rainbow, it does not imply that the rainbow is not there.”
*“One can warmonger interpreting a religious or a scientific text.
One can peacemonger interpreting a religious or a scientific text.
What is more important: the text or the purpose of the interpretation?”
“It is difficult to gain new knowledge without first questioning current knowledge”
“Remember that you are always setting an example. Do things as you want things to be.”
*“Context is everything”
“New ideas solve old problems and generate new ones.”
“The most comfortable role in life is that of a victim”
“Rules are efficient if they do not need enforcement. That occurs when people clearly benefit from following them.”
“Check what you can, but this does not imply that you should reject what you cannot.”
“There shouldn't be so much discussion about abortion being legal or not, the aim should be to prevent the circumstances that lead to abortions, i.e. undesired pregnancies.”
“Reason is a subset of feeling”
“The only worthwhile competition is against yourself”
*“You are not one more. You are every one.”
“If two computations occur at the same time in different parts of the universe, was information transmitted?”
“Science is about finding solvable unsolved problems”
“Work or entropy will take over.
Work, or entropy will take over.”
*“The question is not so much what to do in your life, but what for to live”
“Sticks are more effective than carrots in the short term, not in the long term”
*“Science used to be about controlling nature. Now it is more about understanding nature and taking our place in it.”
*“Everything is because of everything else which is or has been”
“Things self-organize around me. I'm just there, in between, doing my part.”
“Every being we encounter can be a motive for anger or envy, or for joy and learning. We decide.”
“All jobs are about service to others. The difference is that some have the opportunity, even if thrust upon them, to serve more than others.”
*“Everything tends to a balance”
“You cannot find relief outside yourself. Pain and joy come from within.”
“Liberation comes from realizing that the difference between inside and outside yourself is artificial. Take joy and pain as it is.”
“You can define arbitrary frames of reference so that anything can be computable”
“We are not who we are without everybody else”
“Is reality really real? (Ontological oxymoron)”
“A complaining person is not attractive”
“Cooking is not about what's in your pot, it's about what's in your heart”
“Women do not need solutions, women need compassion”
“The saddest thing in the world is when somebody must work for money”
“The fact that you have silly stength does not mean that there is nothing wrong with it”
“Knowledge which is not shared has no value”
“I saw something down my computational telescope that made me change my worldview” -Stephen Wolfram
“… that mania of Nature of not being simple” -Klaus Jaffe
“We can never be right, we can only be sure when we are wrong” -Richard Feynman
“Reductionism is correct, but incomplete” -Murray Gell-Mann
“Predicting the past is very easy. Predicting the future is not so easy” -Ignacio Méndez
“I do not know if what we do is physics, but we think like physicists” -Germinal Cocho
"You do not need to have an explanation. Nature does it, you just believe it." -John Conway
“The global village will have its village idiots” -Martin Rees
“The more you know, the less certainty there is in your life, because you have more possibilities.” -Juval Portugali
"We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of thinking that created them” -Albert Einstein
“There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that play the devil” - Alfred North Whitehead.
“I have committed the worst of sins that a man can commit. I have not been happy” -Jorge Luis Borges
“Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more” -George Bernard Shaw
“One heart is not connected to another through harmony alone. They are, instead, linked deeply through their wounds.” -Haruki Murakami
“Efficiency is different from predictability.” -Philip Parsons
“We must become the change we want to see in the world” -Gandhi
Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.