*“I am part of everything. Everything is part of me”
*“People fail to achieve goals not because of lack of abilities, but because of lack of determination. (any ability can be learned).”
“Everything is so interrelated that it is advisable to see others as oneself and oneself as others. What you do to others you do to yourself. What you do to yourself you do to others.”
“Life gives you lessons. Whether you want to learn from them or not, it is up to you.”
“All philosophical ideas have to be validated through practice”
*“I do not make any ontological claims. The moment you speak about them, they are already epistemology.”
“WE draw boundaries in our epistemology”
*“All violence stems from fear”
“No matter how dark is the night, the sun will always rise again”
“Information is always pragmatic”
“The less I get done, the more I feel tired.”
“Ontology is naïve epistemology”
“We are as beautiful as we feel and as ugly as we are made felt”
“Context is context-dependent”
“The only obstacle towards enlightenment is yourself” (Lama Ole in dream 7-XII-2010)
*“Do not accept the destiny that is imposed on you. Forge your own.”
“Rules are made to be bent. (expect exceptions.)”
“You cannot help those who do not want to be helped.”
“Being objective about ideas is like breeding chickens underwater”
“That which does not make you stronger slowly kills you”
“What is harder: to change or to keep on living as you do?”
“The study of the nature of reality is as scientific as discussions on phantasmagoria: it all depends on our perceptions and the language we use to describe them.”
*“When the boundaries between subject and context, between inside and outside, between self and others are dissolved, there is no place left for errors, problems, and worries”
*“Mind is computationally irreducible”
*“We can fear only what we do not know”
“Of course gods exist. We made them.”
“I am information”
*“It is amazing that we are able to choose the way im which we perceive our world. It is even more amazing that most often we choose to perceive it negatively.”
“One cannot negate only that which cannot be affirmed”
“Biological computation does not really halt”
“You can have information without matter/energy, but not the other way around”
“No matter where you are, if you work on yourself, you will improve”
*“Things happen in your life only when you are ripe for them”
“Live a life worth living”
“We should learn to see less with our eyes and more with our soul”
“Yes, our problems are growing. But our ability to solve them is growing even faster”
“If you discriminate somebody by her/his looks, you didn't look good enough”
“To reach a higher view we must not only eliminate the artificial boundaries of a system, but also to erase the comfortable distinctons across scales.”
“Large open systems do not tend to thermal equilibrium, but to criticality at all scales: this is a balance between entropy and organization, which cannot be sufficiently described by current (materialistic) physics.”
“If minds aren't things, are things minds?” (during talk by Lama Ole, 24-IV-2012)
*“You cannot trip when you are flying”
*“When you do something, better do it right, because the world will imitate you.”
“Have you been kissing too many a toad, still expecting to find your one true love?”
“The world is not so much about images as it is about contexts” //dream in Brussels, 2012/09/06
“With every breath, the universe flows throughout us”
*“In science, we are taught to be skeptic. Still, we are seldom skeptic about ourselves.”
“It is not that successful people do no thave problems. They just deal with them.”
“Imperfection does not have to do with humanity, it is a consequence of contextuality.”
“There are many things we can predict, but many more which we cannot”
“For each predictable event, there is an infinitude of events beyond predictability”
“Many scientific and philosophical arguments are caused by confusing ontology with epistemology”
“Truth is a many-headed monster”
“I feel devastated, but in a good way”
“Everything you hate will not let you progress.”
“How much can you learn opening your eyes. And how much more can you learn opening your heart”
“You are perfect, but it it not enough”
“I'm OK, but I do not like it”
“Every time we teach a child something, we keep him from inventing it himself” -Jean Piaget
“German language is good for philosophy because one can make vague statements” -Hermann Haken, personal conversation
“If you are not confused right now, you did not understand it.” -Melanie Mitchell
“It is not about predicting the future, it is about creating it.” -Ervin Lazló
“The boundary between body and environment is arbitrary” -Randall D. Beer
“Life is complex, it has both real and imaginary parts.” -Jerome R. Busemeyer
“Bodies do not keep a determined figure: like a river, or Theseus' ship, an organism has as its only stable element, its guiding idea, its law of organization”. -Y. Beleval
“And 'ideal' does not mean something specially good, but something carried to extremes” - L. Wittgenstein, 'Remarks on Colour' III.35
“One must always be prepared to learn something totally new” - L. Wittgenstein, 'Remarks on Colour' III.45
“Because it seems so to me---or to everybody---it does not follow that it is so.” - L. Wittgenstein, 'Remarks on Colour' III.96
“That it seems so to men is their criterion for its being so” - L. Wittgenstein, 'Remarks on Colour' III.98
“I don't know why we are here, but I am pretty sure it is not in order to enjoy ourselves” - L. Wittgenstein
“Life is understood backwards, but must be lived forwards” -Søren Kierkegaard
“–Mr. Komatsu, when you are traveling on a plane that is about to crash, having a seatbelt is worth nothing.
–But it consoles.” -Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 (my translation from Spanish)
“It's not that difficult once we make up our mind. All we have to do is separate from the flesh, leave all substance behind, and allow ourselves to become a conceptual point of view devoid of mass.” -Haruki Murakami, 'After Dark', p. 131.
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” -Samuel Beckett
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the 'present'” -Oogway (from Kung Fu Panda)
“Nobody can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves” -Fernando Valdez
“In the long run, history is the story of information becoming aware of itself” -James Gleick
“Gray areas is where you find the complexity, where you find the humanity, where you find the truth” -Jon Ronson
“The more I know, the less I understand” -Javier Rosado