“The road to hell is paved with crowd pleasers.”
“If you keep on falling on the same stones, it means it is not the stones, but that you are not learning.”
“‘Real data’ is an oxymoron”
“There are some things I can do well,
many more that I am terrible at,
and an infinite number that I'll never get to try.”
“More than half of all tragedies could have been avoided if a man had followed the wisdom of a woman.”
“We can only give shape to reality through narratives”
“All your life has been a preparation for the present moment”
(Don’t fuck it up)
“Computational irreducibility means that there is no shortcut. The only way to find out is to live through it.”
“Happy people make people happy”
“Suffering and joy can be windows to the nature of mind. But if we can choose, why not select the joyful windows?”
“We have the advantage of 3.7 billion years of survivorship bias”
“Balance will not be achieved by serendipity.
Even if it happens, it will be unstable.
Balance is achieved through construction.
Constant construction.”
“Could it be that there is computational non-decidability at every metasystem transition?”
“Life is not about what we want, but about what we need.”
“Change can be difficult, but in many cases, no change can be even more difficult.”
“Rational agents do not get laid.”
“It takes a great effort to do great things.”
“There is destiny, but it is always post hoc”
“Reality is not phenomena at a fundamental level. Reality is phenomena at all levels.”
“Uncertainty is freedom”
“The best thing about the present moment is that you can experience it.”
“On the Gates of Hell, it is written "leave all hope behind". On the other side (on the way out), it is written "leave all expectations behind".”
“How can you pretend to play chess against someone who is playing badminton? It is similar to planning your behavior with someone who is playing a different life game.”
“Stick to the immediate”
//about to be said by Primoz Roglic in a dream
“Stiff expectations will make your life miserable. And that of others around you.”
“Wishes work because everything happens as it should”
“We are a gift of space to itself”
“Our objectivity is inherently subjective and our subjectivity is inherently objective.”
“If I could speak about my taboos, they would not be taboos.”
//from hike with Olha
“It is amazing how our ego can sustain the illusion of its own self-determination.”
"The world needs chaos as much as it needs order."
“It is difficult to live a meaningful life if answering emails is one of your top priorities.”
“Which superpower would I choose? The ability to completely accept change.” (Why would you prefer to fly or be superstrong if you are still suffering?)
“The only hurry I have is to become enlightened.”
“All meaningful things in life are non-computable.”
“The question is not how to prevent change. That is impossible. The question is how to adapt to change. That is acceptance.”
“If you are not open to the unexpected, you will not find new solutions, for these are not known yet.” (inspired by Heraclitus)
“Complex systems are constantly reaching states that have never been visited and will never be repeated.”
“Most questions will remain unanswered.”
“How much do you get from a relationship depends 10% on your partner and 90% on you.”
“Technology has never been a problem.
The problem has always been what we do with technology.”
“Everything is the same and everything is different.”
"If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is." —Johnny von Neumann
“Being ill defined is a feature common to all important concepts.” —Benoît Mandelbrot
“Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.” —Theodore von Kármán
“The way to succeed is to double your failure rate.” —Thomas J. Watson
“Everything said is said by an observer.” —Humberto Maturana
“Thinking is expensive, the alternative is unaffordable” —Aviv Bergman
“Nothing we do or experience is untouched by our own expectations” —Andy Clark
“The supreme function of reason is to show man that some things are beyond reason.” —Blaise Pascal
“It is the function of science to discover the existence of a general reign of order in nature and to find the causes governing this order. And this refers in equal measure to the relations of man — social and political — and to the entire universe as a whole.” —Dmitri Mendeleev
“If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't.” — Emerson M. Pugh
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
—Friedrich Nietzsche
"From the strain
of binding opposites
comes harmony."
“Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.” —Friedrich Schiller
“Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering that changes the world.” —Isaac Asimov
“Longing that all go. Dim go. Void go. Longing go. Vain longing that vain longing go.” —Samuel Beckett, "Worstward Ho"
“Siempre hay algo más: la estupidez de la gente.” —Jorge Guerricaechevarría and Alex de la Iglesia
“If humans will ever be liberated, it will be because we ask the right questions, not provide the right answers” —Ai Weiwei
“If you demand reason to a dream, that dream will be fucked” —Alejandro González Iñárritu
“To experience balance, you must first experience unbalance” (The story of my life) —Írisz Tölgyesi
“What did you think learning would feel like?” —Jeff Su
“If you do not know what to do, there is actually a chance of doing something new. As long as you know what you are doing, nothing much of interest is going to happen.” —Philip Glass
"For the yogi, the moment is the teaching" —Lama Ole Nydahl
“We need to accumulate good impressions to be able to let go attachment.” —Lama Ole Nydahl
“It is more interesting what we can give than what we can take” —Maxi Kukuvec
“We don't have to worry too much about enlightenment, because we don't really know what it is” — XVIIth Karmapa