%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Carlos Gershenson at 2011-09-23 10:29:05 -0500 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @article{Gershenson:2011d, Abstract = {Short philosophical essay}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2011-09-23 15:25:56 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:27:04 +0000}, Journal = {International Journal of Artificial Life Research}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1-5}, Title = {What does artificial life tell us about death?}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.2824}, Volume = {2}, Year = {2011}} @article{Gershenson:2011c, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2011-09-23 15:23:54 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:24:46 +0000}, Journal = {Cirug{\'\i}a y Cirujanos}, Number = {3}, Pages = {199-200}, Title = {Epidemiolog{\'\i}a y las Redes Sociales}, Volume = {79}, Year = {2011}} @article{GershensonProkopenko:2011, Abstract = {Introduction to the Special Issue on Complex Networks, Artificial Life journal.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Mikhail Prokopenko}, Date-Added = {2011-09-23 15:20:21 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:21:54 +0000}, Doi = {10.1162/artl_e_00037}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {4}, Pages = {259--261}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Complex Networks}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.5538}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.1893}} @unpublished{GershensonRosenblueth:2011, Abstract = {The elementary cellular automaton following rule 184 can mimic particles flowing in one direction at a constant speed. This automaton can therefore model highway traffic. In a recent paper, we have incorporated intersections regulated by traffic lights to this model using exclusively elementary cellular automata. In such a paper, however, we only explored a rectangular grid. We now extend our model to more complex scenarios employing an hexagonal grid. This extension shows first that our model can readily incorporate multiple-way intersections and hence simulate complex scenarios. In addition, the current extension allows us to study and evaluate the behavior of two different kinds of traffic light controller for a grid of six-way streets allowing for either two or three street intersections: a traffic light that tries to adapt to the amount of traffic (which results in self-organizing traffic lights) and a system of synchronized traffic lights with coordinated rigid periods (sometimes called the ``green wave'' method). We observe a tradeoff between system capacity and topological complexity. The green wave method is unable to cope with the complexity of a higher-capacity scenario, while the self-organizing method is scalable, adapting to the complexity of a scenario and exploiting its maximum capacity. Additionally, in this paper we propose a benchmark, independent of methods and models, to measure the performance of a traffic light controller comparing it against a theoretical optimum.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and David A. Rosenblueth}, Date-Added = {2011-04-11 10:19:17 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-11 10:22:44 -0500}, Note = {Submitted to Complexity}, Title = {Self-organizing traffic lights at multiple-street intersections}, Year = {2011}} @incollection{Gershenson:2011b, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Complexity theories of cities have come of age}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 20:29:37 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 20:30:18 -0500}, Editor = {Portugali, J. and Meyer, H.}, Note = {In Press}, Publisher = {Springer}, Title = {Self-organizing urban transportation systems}, Year = {2011}} @article{Gershenson:2011a, Abstract = {The performance of public transportation systems affects a large part of the population. Current theory assumes that passengers are served optimally when vehicles arrive at stations with regular intervals. In this paper, it is shown that self-organization can improve the performance of public transportation systems beyond the theoretical optimum by responding adaptively to local conditions. This is possible because of a ``slower-is-faster'' effect, where passengers wait more time at stations but total travel times are reduced. The proposed self-organizing method uses ``antipheromones'' to regulate headways, which are inspired by the stigmergy (communication via environment) of some ant colonies.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 20:23:02 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:23:32 +0000}, Doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0021469}, Journal = {{PLoS ONE}}, Number = {6}, Pages = {e21469}, Title = {Self-organization leads to supraoptimal performance in public transportation systems}, Volume = {6}, Year = {2011}} @incollection{Gershenson:2011, Abstract = {Una de las presuposiciones de la ciencia desde los tiempos de Galileo, Newton y Laplace ha sido la previsibilidad del mundo. Esta idea ha influido en los modelos cient{\'\i}ficos y tecnol{\'o}gicos. Sin embargo, en las {\'u}ltimas d{\'e}cadas, el caos y la complejidad han mostrado que no todos los fen{\'o}menos son previsibles, a{\'u}n siendo {\'e}stos deterministas. Si el espacio de un problema es previsible, podemos en teor{\'\i}a encontrar una soluci{\'o}n por optimizaci{\'o}n. No obstante, si el espacio de un problema no es previsible, o cambia m{\'a}s r{\'a}pido de lo que podemos optimizarlo, la optimizaci{\'o}n probablemente nos dar{\'a} una soluci{\'o}n obsoleta. Esto sucede con frecuencia cuando la soluci{\'o}n inmediata afecta el espacio del problema mismo. Una alternativa se encuentra en la adaptaci{\'o}n. Si dotamos a un sistema de {\'e}sta propiedad, {\'e}ste mismo podr{\'a} encontrar nuevas soluciones para situaciones no previstas. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Complejidad y Lenguaje}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 19:53:36 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 19:57:24 -0500}, Editor = {Martorell, X. and Massip, A.}, Note = {In Press}, Title = {Enfrentando a la Complejidad: Predecir vs. Adaptar}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.4908}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.4908}} @article{Gershenson:2010b, Abstract = {This paper presents the Computing Networks (CNs) framework. CNs are used to generalize neural and swarm architectures. Artificial neural networks, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, and realistic biological models are used as examples of instantiations of CNs. The description of these architectures as CNs allows their comparison. Their differences and similarities allow the identification of properties that enable neural and swarm architectures to perform complex computations and exhibit complex cognitive abilities. In this context, the most relevant characteristics of CNs are the existence multiple dynamical and functional scales. The relationship between multiple dynamical and functional scales with adaptation, cognition (of brains and swarms) and computation is discussed.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2011-04-08 17:07:40 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-08 17:08:18 -0500}, Doi = {10.2478/s13230-010-0015-z}, Journal = {Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics}, Number = {2}, Pages = {147-153}, Title = {Computing Networks: A General Framework to Contrast Neural and Swarm Cognitions}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/s13230-010-0015-z}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/s13230-010-0015-z}} @incollection{BalpoGershenson:2010, Address = {Odense, Denmark}, Author = {Rodrigo {Poblanno-Balp} and Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {{Artificial Life XII} Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems}, Date-Added = {2011-03-28 15:09:00 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-28 15:09:00 -0600}, Editor = {Harold Fellermann and Mark D\"{o}rr and Martin M. Hanczyc and Lone Ladegaard Laursen and Sarah Maurer and Daniel Merkle and Pierre-Alain Monnard and Kasper St$\o$y and Steen Rasmussen}, Pages = {303-304}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Modular Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chapters/0262290758chap56.pdf}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chapters/0262290758chap56.pdf}} @article{doi:10.1162/artl_a_00026, Author = {Gershenson, Carlos}, Date-Added = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Doi = {10.1162/artl_a_00026}, Eprint = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/artl_a_00026}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {0}, Pages = {1-2}, Title = {Reviving the Living: Meaning Making in Living Systems. Yair Neuman. (2008, Elsevier, Studies in Multidisciplinarity, Vol. 6). $197 (hardbound), 320 pages.}, Url = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl_a_00026}, Volume = {0}, Year = {0}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl_a_00026}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl_a_00026}} @article{doi:10.1162/artl_r_00004, Author = {Gershenson, Carlos and Meza, Iv{\'a}n V. and Avil{\'e}s, H{\'e}ctor and Pineda, Luis A.}, Date-Added = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Doi = {10.1162/artl_r_00004}, Eprint = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/artl_r_00004}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {3}, Pages = {269-270}, Title = {Mechanical Love. Phie Ambo. (2009, Icarus Films.) $390, 52 min.}, Url = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl_r_00004}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl_r_00004}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl_r_00004}} @article{doi:10.1162/artl.2007.13.1.91, Author = {Gershenson, Carlos}, Date-Added = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Doi = {10.1162/artl.2007.13.1.91}, Eprint = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/artl.2007.13.1.91}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {1}, Pages = {91-92}, Title = {Live Evolving: Molecules, Mind, and Meaning. Christian De Duve. (2003, Oxford University Press.) Hardback, £25, $39. 358 pages}, Url = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl.2007.13.1.91}, Volume = {13}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl.2007.13.1.91}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl.2007.13.1.91}} @article{doi:10.1162/artl.2008.14.2.239, Author = {Gershenson, Carlos}, Date-Added = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Doi = {10.1162/artl.2008.14.2.239}, Eprint = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/artl.2008.14.2.239}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {2}, Pages = {239-240}, Title = {Self-Organization and Emergence in Life Sciences. Bernard Feltz, Marc Crommelinck, and Philippe Goujon (Eds.). (2006, Synthese Library Vol. 331, Springer.) Hardcover, €139, $179, 360 pages}, Url = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl.2008.14.2.239}, Volume = {14}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl.2008.14.2.239}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl.2008.14.2.239}} @article{doi:10.1162/artl.2009.Gershenson.B6, Author = {Gershenson, Carlos}, Date-Added = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-09 09:58:40 -0600}, Doi = {10.1162/artl.2009.Gershenson.B6}, Eprint = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/artl.2009.Gershenson.B6}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {4}, Pages = {485-487}, Title = {Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion. Stuart A. Kauffman. (2008, Basic Books.) $27.}, Url = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl.2009.Gershenson.B6}, Volume = {15}, Year = {2009}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/artl.2009.Gershenson.B6}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl.2009.Gershenson.B6}} @book{IWSOS2011, Abstract = {This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, IWSOS 2011, held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in February 2011. The 9 revised full papers presented together with 1 invited paper were carefully selected from 25 initial submissions. It was the 5th workshop in a series of multidisciplinary events dedicated to self-organization in networked systems with main focus on communication and computer networks. The papers address theoretical aspects of self-organization as well as applications in communication and computer networks and robot networks.}, Date-Added = {2011-03-07 14:10:04 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-03-10 09:33:36 -0600}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-19167-1}, Editor = {Christian Bettstetter and Carlos Gershenson}, Isbn = {978-3-642-19166-4}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Self-Organizing Systems 5th International Workshop, IWSOS 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 23-24, 2011, Proceedings. Springer LNCS 6557}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19167-1}, Volume = {6557}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.springer.com/computer/communication+networks/book/978-3-642-19166-4}} @article{Gershenson:2010a, Abstract = {The σ profile is presented as a tool to analyze the organization of systems at different scales, and how this organization changes in time. Describing structures at different scales as goal-oriented agents, one can define σ ∈ [0,1] (satisfaction) as the degree to which the goals of each agent at each scale have been met. σ reflects the organization degree at that scale. The σ profile of a system shows the satisfaction at different scales, with the possibility to study their dependencies and evolution. It can also be used to extend game theoretic models. The description of a general tendency on the evolution of complexity and cooperation naturally follows from the σ profile. Experiments on a virtual ecosystem are used as illustration. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2010-10-12 11:33:46 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:25:42 +0000}, Doi = {10.1002/cplx.20350}, Journal = {Complexity}, Number = {5}, Pages = {37-44}, Title = {The Sigma Profile: A Formal Tool to Study Organization and its Evolution at Multiple Scales}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.0504}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.0504}} @article{Gershenson:2010, Abstract = {Random Boolean networks (RBNs) are models of genetic regulatory networks. It is useful to describe RBNs as self-organizing systems to study how changes in the nodes and connections affect the global network dynamics. This article reviews eight different methods for guiding the self-organization of RBNs. In particular, the article is focussed on guiding RBNs towards the critical dynamical regime, which is near the phase transition between the ordered and dynamical phases. The properties and advantages of the critical regime for life, computation, adaptability, evolvability, and robustness are reviewed. The guidance methods of RBNs can be used for engineering systems with the features of the critical regime, as well as for studying how natural selection evolved living systems, which are also critical. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2010-10-12 11:16:51 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2010-10-12 14:21:37 -0500}, Journal = {Theory in Biosciences}, Title = {Guiding the Self-organization of Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.5733}, Year = {In Press}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.5733}} @article{BalpoGershenson:2011, Abstract = {Random Boolean networks (RBNs) have been a popular model of genetic regulatory networks for more than four decades. However, most RBN studies have been made with random topologies, while real regulatory networks have been found to be modular. In this work, we extend classical RBNs to define modular RBNs. Statistical experiments and analytical results show that modularity has a strong effect on the properties of RBNs. In particular, modular RBNs have more attractors and are closer to criticality when chaotic dynamics would be expected, compared to classical RBNs.}, Author = {Rodrigo {Poblanno-Balp} and Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2010-05-20 13:56:20 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:19:26 +0000}, Doi = {10.1162/artl_a_00042}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Number = {4}, Pages = {331--351}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Modular Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.1893}, Volume = {17}, Year = {2011}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.1893}} @article{RosenbluethGershenson:2010, Abstract = {There have been several highway traffic models proposed based on cellular automata. The simplest one is elementary cellular automaton rule 184. We extend this model to city traffic with cellular automata coupled at intersections using only rules 184, 252, and 136. }, Author = {David A. Rosenblueth and Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2010-03-04 09:30:05 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2011-09-23 15:18:28 +0000}, Journal = {Complex Systems}, Number = {4}, Pages = {305-322}, Title = {A model of city traffic based on elementary cellular automata}, Volume = {19}, Year = {2011}} @techreport{GershensonRosenblueth:2010, Abstract = {Using a recently proposed model of city traffic based on elementary cellular automata, we compare qualitatively two methods for coordinating traffic lights: a \emph{green-wave} method that tries to optimize phases according to expected flows and a \emph{self-organizing} method that adapts to the current traffic conditions. The \emph{self-organizing} method delivers considerable improvements over the \emph{green-wave} method. Seven dynamical regimes and six phase transitions are identified and analyzed for the \emph{self-organizing} method. For low densities, the \emph{self-organizing} method promotes the formation and coordination of platoons that flow freely in four directions, i.e.\ with a maximum velocity and no stops. For medium densities, the method allows a constant usage of the intersections, exploiting their maximum flux capacity. For high densities, the method prevents gridlocks and promotes the formation and coordination of ``free-spaces" that flow in the opposite direction of traffic. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and David A. Rosenblueth}, Date-Added = {2010-03-04 09:27:12 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2010-03-04 09:28:49 -0600}, Institution = {C3}, Number = {2010.03}, Title = {Adaptive self-organization vs. static optimization: A qualitative comparison in traffic light coordination}, Year = {2010}} @article{GershensonPineda2009, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Luis A. Pineda}, Date-Added = {2009-07-07 16:35:17 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2009-12-01 16:36:40 -0600}, Doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0007292}, Journal = {{PLoS ONE}}, Number = {10}, Pages = {e7292}, Title = {Why does public transport not arrive on time? {The} pervasiveness of equal headway instability}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0007292}, Volume = {4}, Year = {2009}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0007292}} @unpublished{GershensonRosenblueth2009, Abstract = {There have been several highway traffic models proposed based on cellular automata. The simplest one is elementary cellular automaton rule 184. We extend this model to city traffic with cellular automata coupled at intersections using only rules 184, 252, and 136. The simplicity of the model offers a clear understanding of the main properties of city traffic and its phase transitions. We use the proposed model to compare two methods for coordinating traffic lights: a green-wave method that tries to optimize phases according to expected flows and a self-organizing method that adapts to the current traffic conditions. The self-organizing method delivers considerable improvements over the green-wave method. For low densities, the self-organizing method promotes the formation and coordination of platoons that flow freely in four directions, i.e. with a maximum velocity and no stops. For medium densities, the method allows a constant usage of the intersections, exploiting their maximum flux capacity. For high densities, the method prevents gridlocks and promotes the formation and coordination of "free-spaces" that flow in the opposite direction of traffic. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and David A. Rosenblueth}, Date-Added = {2009-07-07 16:33:36 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2009-10-12 15:11:33 +0400}, Note = {Submitted}, Title = {Modeling self-organizing traffic lights with elementary cellular automata}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0907.1925}, Year = {2009}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0907.1925}} @book{Cx5Q, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 17:17:30 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 17:22:06 -0500}, Editor = {Carlos Gershenson}, Isbn = {8792130135}, Publisher = {Automatic Peess / VIP}, Title = {Complexity: 5 Questions}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/ovg3jn}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/ovg3jn}} @inproceedings{Gershenson:2007, Abstract = {This paper discusses the benefits of describing the world as information, especially in the study of the evolution of life and cognition. Traditional studies encounter problems because it is difficult to describe life and cognition in terms of matter and energy, since their laws are valid only at the physical scale. However, if matter and energy, as well as life and cognition, are described in terms of information, evolution can be described consistently as information becoming more complex. The paper presents five tentative laws of information, valid at multiple scales, which are generalizations of Darwinian, cybernetic, thermodynamic, and complexity principles. These are further used to discuss the notions of life and cognition and their evolution. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Systems ICCS2007}, Date-Added = {2009-03-09 16:24:36 -0600}, Date-Modified = {2009-03-09 16:25:42 -0600}, Editor = {Yaneer Bar-Yam}, Title = {The World as Evolving Information}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/0704.0304}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/0704.0304}} @article{GershensonLenaerts2008, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Tom Lenaerts}, Date-Added = {2008-07-10 15:22:54 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-10 15:25:43 -0400}, Doi = {10.1162/artl.2008.14.3.14300}, Journal = {Artificial Life}, Month = {Summer}, Note = {Special Issue on the Evolution of Complexity}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1--3}, Title = {Evolution of Complexity}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl.2008.14.3.14300}, Volume = {14}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/artl.2008.14.3.14300}} @phdthesis{GershensonPhD, Abstract = {Complex systems are usually difficult to design and control. There are several particular methods for coping with complexity, but there is no general approach to build complex systems. In this thesis I propose a methodology to aid engineers in the design and control of complex systems. This is based on the description of systems as self-organizing. Starting from the agent metaphor, the methodology proposes a conceptual framework and a series of steps to follow to find proper mechanisms that will promote elements to find solutions by actively interacting among themselves. The main premise of the methodology claims that reducing the ``friction'' of interactions between elements of a system will result in a higher ``satisfaction'' of the system, i.e. better performance. A general introduction to complex thinking is given, since designing self-organizing systems requires a non-classical thought, while practical notions of complexity and self-organization are put forward. To illustrate the methodology, I present three case studies. Self-organizing traffic light controllers are proposed and studied with multi-agent simulations, outperforming traditional methods. Methods for improving communication within self-organizing bureaucracies are advanced, introducing a simple computational model to illustrate the benefits of self-organization. In the last case study, requirements for self-organizing artifacts in an ambient intelligence scenario are discussed. Philosophical implications of the conceptual framework are also put forward.}, Address = {Brussels, Belgium}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2007-11-06 11:34:09 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2007-11-06 11:34:09 -0500}, Month = {May}, Rating = {5}, School = {Vrije Universiteit Brussel}, Title = {Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems}, Url = {http://cogprints.org/5442/}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://cogprints.org/5442/}} @inproceedings{GershensonLenaerts2006, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Tom Lenaerts}, Booktitle = {{ALife X} Workshop Proceedings}, Date-Added = {2007-07-19 16:04:44 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2007-07-19 16:08:21 -0400}, Pages = {71--72}, Title = {Evolution of Complexity: Introduction to the Workshop}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0604069}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0604069}} @book{GershensonDCSOS, Abstract = { Complex systems are usually difficult to design and control. There are several particular methods for coping with complexity, but there is no general approach to build complex systems. In this book I pro- pose a methodology to aid engineers in the design and control of com- plex systems. This is based on the description of systems as self- organizing. Starting from the agent metaphor, the methodology pro- poses a conceptual framework and a series of steps to follow to find proper mechanisms that will promote elements to find solutions by ac- tively interacting among themselves. The main premise of the method- ology claims that reducing the "friction" of interactions between el- ements of a system will result in a higher "satisfaction" of the system, i.e. better performance. A general introduction to complex thinking is given, since designing self-organizing systems requires a non-classical thought, while prac- tical notions of complexity and self-organization are put forward. To illustrate the methodology, I present three case studies. Self-organizing traffic light controllers are proposed and studied with multi-agent simulations, outperforming traditional methods. Methods for im- proving communication within self-organizing bureaucracies are ad- vanced, introducing a simple computational model to illustrate the benefits of self-organization. In the last case study, requirements for self-organizing artifacts in an ambient intelligence scenario are dis- cussed. Philosophical implications of the conceptual framework are also put forward. }, Address = {Mexico}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2007-03-06 15:54:36 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2010-11-09 12:20:26 -0600}, Isbn = {978-0-9831172-3-0}, Keywords = {Physiscs, Self-organization, Complexity Theory}, Note = {http://tinyurl.com/DCSOS2007}, Publisher = {CopIt Arxives}, Rating = {5}, Title = {Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/DCSOS2007}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://scifunam.fisica.unam.mx/mir/copit/TS0002EN/TS0002EN.html}} @inproceedings{RodriguezEtAl2007, Abstract = { Smartocracy is a social software system for collec- tive decision making. The system is composed of a social network that links individuals to those they trust to make good decisions and a decision network that links individuals to their voted-on solutions. Such networks allow a variety of algorithms to convert the link choices made by individual participants into specific decision outcomes. Simply interpreting the linkages differently (e.g. ignoring trust links, or using them to weight an individual's vote) provides a variety of outcomes fit for different decision making scenarios. This paper will discuss the Smartocracy network data structures, the suite of collective decision making algorithms currently supported, and the results of two collective decisions regarding the design of the system. }, Author = {Rodriguez, Marko A. and Steinbock, Daniel J. and Watkins, Jennifer H. and Gershenson, Carlos and Bollen, Johan and Grey, Victor and deGraf, Brad}, Booktitle = {Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS)}, Date-Added = {2006-12-07 12:19:33 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-07 12:27:32 +0100}, Doi = {10.1109/HICSS.2007.484}, Organization = {IEEE Computer Society}, Title = {Smartocracy: Social Networks for Collective Decision Making}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/ybojp8}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/ybojp8}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.2007.484}} @unpublished{Gershenson2003u, Abstract = {We developed a virtual laboratory for traffic control where agents use different strategies in order to self-organize on the road. We present our first results where we compare the performance and behaviour promoted by environmental constrains and five different simple strategies: three inspired in flocking behaviour, one selfish, and one inspired in the minority game. Experiments are presented for comparing the strategies. Different issues are discussed, such as the important role of environmental constrains and the emergence of traffic lanes.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2006-12-07 11:23:51 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-07 12:17:42 +0100}, Note = {Unpublished}, Title = {Self-organizing Traffic Control: First Results}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0309039}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0309039}} @incollection{CoolsEtAl2007, Abstract = {We have previously shown in an abstract simulation (Gershenson, 2005) that self-organizing traffic lights can improve greatly traffic flow for any density. In this paper, we extend these results to a realistic setting, implementing self-organizing traffic lights in an advanced traffic simulator using real data from a Brussels avenue. On average, for different traffic densities, travel waiting times are reduced by 50% compared to the current green wave method.}, Author = {Seung Bae Cools and Carlos Gershenson and Bart {D'Hooghe}}, Booktitle = {Self-Organization: Applied Multi-Agent Systems}, Chapter = {3}, Date-Added = {2006-11-08 21:24:42 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-12-07 16:14:36 -0500}, Editor = {Mikhail Prokopenko}, Pages = {41--49}, Publisher = {Springer}, Title = {Self-organizing traffic lights: A realistic simulation}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0610040}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0610040}} @incollection{Gershenson2007-SOS, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Complexity, Science and Society}, Date-Added = {2006-11-02 12:51:46 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2006-11-08 21:51:02 +0100}, Editor = {Jan Bogg and Robert Geyer}, Publisher = {Radcliffe Publishing}, Title = {Towards a General Methodology for Designing Self-Organizing Systems}, Year = {2007}} @incollection{HeylighenEtAl2007, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Francis Heylighen and Paul Cilliers and Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Complexity, Science and Society}, Date-Added = {2006-11-02 12:49:25 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:35:34 +0100}, Editor = {Jan Bogg and Robert Geyer}, Publisher = {Radcliffe Publishing}, Title = {Complexity and Philosophy}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.CC/0604072}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.CC/0604072}} @book{GershensonEtAl-PnC, Abstract = {Scientific, technological, and cultural changes have always had an impact upon philosophy. They can force a change in the way we perceive the world, reveal new kinds of phenomena to be understood, and provide new ways of understanding phenomena. Complexity science, immersed in a culture of information, is having a diverse but particularly significant impact upon philosophy. Previous ideas do not necessarily sit comfortably with the new paradigm, resulting in new ideas or new interpretations of old ideas. In this unprecedented interdisciplinary volume, researchers from different backgrounds join efforts to update thinking upon philosophical questions with developments in the scientific study of complex systems. The contributions focus on a wide range of topics, but share the common goal of increasing our understanding and improving our descriptions of our complex world. This revolutionary debate includes contributions from leading experts, as well as young researchers proposing fresh ideas. }, Address = {Singapore}, Date-Added = {2006-11-02 12:47:24 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-03-09 11:18:33 +0100}, Editor = {Carlos Gershenson and Diederik Aerts and Bruce Edmonds}, Publisher = {World Scientific}, Series = {Worldviews, Science and Us}, Title = {Philosophy and Complexity}, Url = {http://www.worldscibooks.com/chaos/6372.html}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.worldscibooks.com/chaos/6372.html}} @article{GershensonSOBs, Abstract = {The goal of this paper is to contribute to eGovernment efforts, encouraging the use of self-organization as a method to improve the efficiency and adaptability of bureaucracies and similar social systems. Bureaucracies are described as networks of agents, where the main design principle is to reduce local "friction" to increase local and global "satisfaction". Following this principle, solutions are proposed for improving communication within bureaucracies, sensing public satisfaction, dynamic modification of hierarchies, and contextualization of procedures. Each of these reduces friction between agents (internal or external), increasing the efficiency of bureaucracies. Current technologies can be applied for this end. "Random agent networks" (RANs), novel computational models, are introduced to illustrate the benefits of self-organizing bureaucracies. Simulations show that only few changes are required to reach near-optimal performance, potentially adapting quickly and effectively to shifts in demand. }, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2006-07-18 16:37:53 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-28 17:16:27 -0400}, Journal = {International Journal of Public Information Systems}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--24}, Title = {Towards Self-organizing Bureaucracies}, Url = {http://www.ijpis.net/issues/no1_2008/no1_2008_p1.htm}, Volume = {2008}, Year = {2008}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0603045}} @techreport{Gershenson2006, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Added = {2006-02-09 19:30:47 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2006-02-09 19:33:39 +0100}, Institution = {ECCO}, Number = {2005-05}, Title = {A General Methodology for Designing Self-Organizing Systems}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0505009}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0505009}} @inproceedings{GershensonEtAl2006, Abstract = {Evolution depends on the possibility of successfully exploring fitness landscapes via mutation and recombination. With these search procedures, exploration is difficult in "rugged" fitness landscapes, where small mutations can drastically change functionalities in an organism. Random Boolean networks (RBNs), being general models, can be used to explore theories of how evolution can take place in rugged landscapes; or even change the landscapes. In this paper, we study the effect that redundant nodes have on the robustness of RBNs. Using computer simulations, we have found that the addition of redundant nodes to RBNs increases their robustness. We conjecture that redundancy is a way of "smoothening" fitness landscapes. Therefore, redundancy can facilitate evolutionary searches. However, too much redundancy could reduce the rate of adaptation of an evolutionary process. Our results also provide supporting evidence in favour of Kauffman's conjecture (Kauffman, 2000, p.195).}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Stuart A. Kauffman and Ilya Shmulevich}, Booktitle = {Artificial Life X, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems.}, Date-Added = {2006-01-12 17:57:27 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-21 17:38:11 -0500}, Editor = {Rocha, L. M. and L. S. Yaeger and M. A. Bedau and D. Floreano and R. L. Goldstone and A. Vespignani}, Pages = {35--42}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {The Role of Redundancy in the Robustness of Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0511018}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0511018}} @article{Gershenson2005, Abstract = {Steering traffic in cities is a very complex task, since improving efficiency involves the coordination of many actors. Traditional approaches attempt to optimize traffic lights for a particular density and configuration of traffic. The disadvantage of this lies in the fact that traffic densities and configurations change constantly. Traffic seems to be an adaptation problem rather than an optimization problem. We propose a simple and feasible alternative, in which traffic lights self-organize to improve traffic flow. We use a multi-agent simulation to study three self-organizing methods, which are able to outperform traditional rigid and adaptive methods. Using simple rules and no direct communication, traffic lights are able to self-organize and adapt to changing traffic conditions, reducing waiting times, number of stopped cars, and increasing average speeds.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2010-10-13 11:34:54 -0500}, Journal = {Complex Systems}, Number = {1}, Pages = {29--53}, Title = {Self-Organizing Traffic Lights}, Url = {http://www.complex-systems.com/pdf/16-1-2.pdf}, Volume = {16}, Year = 2005, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0411066}} @incollection{GershensonHeylighen2005, Abstract = {This chapter does not deal with specific tools and techniques for managing complex systems, but proposes some basic concepts that help us to think and speak about complexity. We review classical thinking and its intrinsic drawbacks when dealing with complexity. We then show how complexity forces us to build models with indeterminacy and unpredictability. However, we can still deal with the problems created in this way by being adaptive, and profiting from a complex system's capability for selforganization, and the distributed intelligence this may produce.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Francis Heylighen}, Booktitle = {Managing Organizational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory and Application}, Chapter = 3, Date-Modified = {2006-11-01 18:54:22 +0100}, Editor = {Kurt Richardson}, Pages = {47--61}, Publisher = {Information Age Publishing}, Title = {How Can We Think the Complex?}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0402023}, Year = 2005, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0402023}} @article{Gershenson2004, Abstract = {I discuss the suitability of different paradigms for studying cognition. I use a virtual laboratory that implements five different representative models for controlling animats: a rule-based system, a behaviour-based system, a concept-based system, a neural network, and a Braitenberg architecture. Through different experiments, I compare the performance of the models and conclude that there is no "best" model, since different models are better for different things in different contexts. Using the results as an empirical philosophical aid, I note that there is no "best" approach for studying cognition, since different paradigms have all advantages and disadvantages, since they study different aspects of cognition from different contexts. This has implications for current debates on "proper" approaches for cognition: all approaches are a bit proper, but none will be "proper enough". I draw remarks on the notion of cognition abstracting from all the approaches used to study it, and propose a simple classification for different types of cognition.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Journal = {Cognitive Systems Research}, Month = {June}, Number = 2, Pages = {135--156}, Title = {Cognitive Paradigms: Which One is the Best?}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2003.10.002}, Volume = 5, Year = 2004, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2003.10.002}} @unpublished{Gershenson2004a, Abstract = {In this paper we study the phase transitions of different types of Random Boolean networks. These differ in their updating scheme: synchronous, semi-synchronous, or asynchronous, and deterministic or non-deterministic. It has been shown that the statistical properties of Random Boolean networks change considerable according to the updating scheme. We study with computer simulations sensitivity to initial conditions as a measure of order/chaos. We find that independently of their updating scheme, all network types have very similar phase transitions, namely when the average number of connections of nodes is between one and three. This critical value depends more on the size of the network than on the updating scheme.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-07 16:34:31 -0500}, Note = {Unpublished}, Title = {Phase Transitions in Random {Boolean} Networks with Different Updating Schemes}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0311008}, Year = 2004, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0311008}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2004b, Abstract = {In this paper we try to end the debate concerning the suitability of different updating schemes in random Boolean networks (RBNs). We quantify for the first time loose attractors in asyncrhonous RBNs, which allows us to analyze the complexity reduction related to different updating schemes. We also report that all updating schemes yield very similar critical stability values, meaning that the "edge of chaos" does not depend much on the updating scheme. After discussion, we conclude that synchonous RBNs are justifiable theoretical models of biological networks.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Artificial Life {IX} Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems}, Editor = {J. Pollack and M. Bedau and P. Husbands and T. Ikegami and R. A. Watson}, Pages = {238--243}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Updating Schemes in Random {Boolean} Networks: Do They Really Matter?}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0402006}, Year = 2004, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0402006}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2004c, Abstract = {The goal of this tutorial is to promote interest in the study of random Boolean networks (RBNs). These can be very interesting models, since one does not have to assume any functionality or particular connectivity of the networks to study their generic properties. Like this, RBNs have been used for exploring the configurations where life could emerge. The fact that RBNs are a generalization of cellular automata makes their research a very important topic. The tutorial, intended for a broad audience, presents the state of the art in RBNs, spanning over several lines of research carried out by different groups. We focus on research done within artificial life, as we cannot exhaust the abundant research done over the decades related to RBNs.}, Address = {Boston, MA}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Workshop and Tutorial Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems {(ALife} {IX)}}, Date-Modified = {2007-04-01 22:25:21 -0500}, Editor = {M. Bedau and P. Husbands and T. Hutton and S. Kumar and H. Suzuki}, Pages = {160--173}, Title = {Introduction to Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0408006}, Year = 2004, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0408006}} @inproceedings{GershensonHeylighen2004, Abstract = {We discuss which properties common-use artifacts should have to collaborate without human intervention. We conceive how devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs, and home appliances, could be seamlessly integrated to provide an "ambient intelligence" that responds to the users desires without requiring explicit programming or commands. While the hardware and software technology to build such systems already exists, yet there is no protocol to direct and give meaning to their interactions. We propose the first steps in the development of such a protocol, which would need to be adaptive, extensible, and open to the community, while promoting self-organization. We argue that devices, interacting through "game-like" moves, can learn to agree about how to communicate, with whom to cooperate, and how to delegate and coordinate specialized tasks. Like this, they may evolve distributed cognition or collective intelligence able to tackle any complex of tasks.}, Address = {Boston, MA}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Francis Heylighen}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Systems {ICCS2004}}, Editor = {Yaneer Bar-Yam}, Note = {Also AI-Lab Memo 04-04}, Title = {Protocol Requirements for Self-Organizing Artifacts: Towards an Ambient Intelligence}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0404004}, Year = 2004, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0404004}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2003IJCAI, Abstract = {A public virtual laboratory is presented, where animats are controlled by mechanisms from different cognitive paradigms. A brief description of the characteristics of the laboratory and the uses it has had is given. Mainly, it has been used to contrast philosophical ideas related with the notion of cognition, and to elucidate debates on "proper" paradigms in AI and cognitive science.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {{IJCAI}-03: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, Pages = {1635--1636}, Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, Title = {Comparing Different Cognitive Paradigms with a Virtual Laboratory}, Year = 2003} @inproceedings{GershensonEtAl2003a, Abstract = {We propose the use of Deterministic Generalized Asynchronous Random Boolean Networks (Gershenson, 2002) as models of contextual deterministic discrete dynamical systems. We show that changes in the context have drastic effects on the global properties of the same networks, namely the average number of attractors and the average percentage of states in attractors. We introduce the situation where we lack knowledge on the context as a more realistic model for contextual dynamical systems. We notice that this makes the network non-deterministic in a specific way, namely introducing a non-Kolmogorovian quantum-like structure for the modelling of the network (Aerts 1986). In this case, for example, a state of the network has the potentiality (probability) of collapsing into different attractors, depending on the specific form of lack of knowledge on the context.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Jan Broekaert and Diederik Aerts}, Booktitle = {Advances in Artificial Life, 7th European Conference, {ECAL} 2003 {LNAI} 2801}, Date-Modified = {2006-07-18 16:41:32 +0200}, Editor = {Banzhaf, W and T. Christaller and P. Dittrich and J. T. Kim and J. Ziegler}, Pages = {615--624}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Contextual Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0303021}, Year = 2003, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0303021}} @inproceedings{GershensonHeylighen2003a, Abstract = {We do not attempt to provide yet another definition of self-organizing systems, nor review previous definitions. We explore the conditions necessary to describe self-organizing systems, inspired on decades of their study, in order to understand them better. These involve the dynamics of the system, and the purpose, boundaries, and description level chosen by an observer. We show how, changing the level or ``graining'' of description, the same system can be self-organizing or not. We also discuss common problems we face when studying self-organizing systems. We analyse when building, designing, and controlling artificial self-organizing systems is useful. We state that self-organization is a way of observing systems, not a class of systems.}, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson and Francis Heylighen}, Booktitle = {Advances in Artificial Life, 7th European Conference, {ECAL} 2003 {LNAI} 2801}, Date-Modified = {2007-09-10 14:24:58 -0400}, Editor = {Banzhaf, W and T. Christaller and P. Dittrich and J. T. Kim and J. Ziegler}, Pages = {606--614}, Publisher = {Springer}, Title = {When Can We Call a System Self-Organizing?}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0303020}, Year = 2003, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0303020}} @article{HeylighenGershenson2003, Author = {Francis Heylighen and Carlos Gershenson}, Journal = {IEEE Intelligent Systems}, Month = {July/August}, Pages = {72--75}, Title = {The Meaning of Self-Organization in Computing}, Url = {http://pcp.vub.ac.be/Papers/IEEE.Self-organization.pdf}, Year = 2003, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://pcp.vub.ac.be/Papers/IEEE.Self-organization.pdf}} @inproceedings{DasEtAl2002, Abstract = {Search engines perform the task of retrieving information related to the user-supplied query words. This task has two parts; one is finding 'featured words' which describe an article best and the other is finding a match among these words to user-defined search terms. There are two main independent approaches to achieve this task. The first one, using the concepts of semantics, has been implemented partially. For more details see another paper of Marko et al., 2002. The second approach is reported in this paper. It is a theoretical model based on using Neural Network (NN). Instead of using keywords or reading from the first few lines from papers/articles, the present model gives emphasis on extracting 'featured words' from an article. Obviously we propose to exclude prepositions, articles and so on, that is , English words like "of, the, are, so, therefore, " etc. from such a list. A neural model is taken with its nodes pre-assigned energies. Whenever a match is found with featured words and user-defined search words, the node is fired and jumps to a higher energy. This firing continues until the model attains a steady energy level and total energy is now calculated. Clearly, higher match will generate higher energy; so on the basis of total energy, a ranking is done to the article indicating degree of relevance to the user's interest. Another important feature of the proposed model is incorporating a semantic module to refine the search words; like finding association among search words, etc. In this manner, information retrieval can be improved markedly.}, Author = {Atin Das and M. Marko and A. Probst and M. A. Porter and C. Gershenson}, Journal = {InterJournal of Complex Systems}, Number = 539, Title = {Neural Net Model for Featured Word Extraction}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.NE/0206001}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.NE/0206001}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2002a, Abstract = {We present several philosophical ideas emerging from the studies of complex systems. We make a brief introduction to the basic concepts of complex systems, for then defining "abstraction levels". These are useful for representing regularities in nature. We define absolute being (observer independent, infinite) and relative being (observer dependent, finite), and notice the differences between them. We draw issues on relative causality and absolute causality among abstraction levels. We also make reflections on determinism. We reject the search for any absolute truth (because of their infinity), and promote the idea that all comprehensible truths are relative, since they were created in finite contexts. This leads us to suggest to search the less-incompleteness of ideas and contexts instead of their truths.}, Address = {La Habana, Cuba}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Biennial Seminar on Philosophical, Methodological $\And$ Epistemological Implications of Complexity Theory}, Date-Modified = {2006-07-18 16:41:09 +0200}, Title = {Complex Philosophy}, Url = {http://uk.arXiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0109001}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arXiv.org/abs/nlin.AO/0109001}} @article{Gershenson2002b, Abstract = {In this study we consider some of the philosophical issues that should be taken into account when simulating social behaviour. Even though the ideas presented here are philosophical, they should be of interest more to researchers simulating social behaviour than to philosophers, since we try to note some problems that researchers might not put much attention to. We give notions of what could be considered a social behaviour, and mention the problems that arise if we attempt to give a sharp definition of social behaviour in a broad context. We also briefly give useful concepts and ideas of complex systems and abstraction levels (Gershenson, 2002a), since any society can be seen as a complex system. We discuss the problems that arise while modelling social behaviour, mentioning the synthetic method as a useful approach for contrasting social theories, because of the complexities of the phenomena they model. In addition, we note the importance of the study of social behaviour for the understanding of cognition. We hope that the ideas presented here motivate the interest and debate of researchers simulating social behaviour in order to pay attention to the problems mentioned in this work, and attempt to provide more suitable solutions to them than the ones proposed here.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Journal = {Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation}, Number = 3, Title = {Philosophical Ideas on the Simulation of Social Behaviour}, Url = {http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/5/3/8.html}, Volume = 5, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/5/3/8.html}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2002c, Abstract = {In this paper we expose the theoretical background underlying our current research. This consists in the development of behaviour-based knowledge systems, for closing the gaps between behaviour-based and knowledge-based systems, and also between the understandings of the phenomena they model. We expose the requirements and stages for developing behaviour-based knowledge systems and discuss their limits. We believe that these are necessary conditions for the development of higher order cognitive capacities, in artificial and natural cognitive systems.}, Address = {Edinburgh, Scotland}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics}, Editor = {Christopher G. Prince and Yiannis Demiris and Yuval Marom and Hideki Kozima and Christian Balkenius}, Pages = {35--41}, Publisher = {Lund University Cognitive Studies}, Title = {Behaviour-Based Knowledge Systems: An Epigenetic Path from Behaviour to Knowledge}, Url = {http://www.lucs.lu.se/ftp/pub/LUCS\%5FStudies/LUCS94/Gershenson.pdf}, Volume = 94, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.lucs.lu.se/ftp/pub/LUCS%5C_Studies/LUCS94/Gershenson.pdf}} @mastersthesis{Gershenson2002d, Abstract = {In this thesis I present a virtual laboratory which implements five different models for controlling animats: a rule-based system, a behaviour-based system, a concept-based system, a neural network, and a Braitenberg architecture. Through different experiments, I compare the performance of the models and conclude that there is no ``best'' model, since different models are better for different things in different contexts. The models I chose, although quite simple, represent different approaches for studying cognition. Using the results as an empirical philosophical aid, I note that there is no ``best'' approach for studying cognition, since different approaches have all advantages and disadvantages, because they study different aspects of cognition from different contexts. This has implications for current debates on ``proper'' approaches for cognition: all approaches are a bit proper, but none will be ``proper enough''. I draw remarks on the notion of cognition abstracting from all the approaches used to study it, and propose a simple classification for different types of cognition.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2006-01-12 18:10:22 +0100}, School = {School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex}, Title = {A Comparison of Different Cognitive Paradigms Using Simple Animats in a Virtual Laboratory, with Implications to the Notion of Cognition}, Url = {http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/easy/Publications/Online/MSc2002/cg26.pdf}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/easy/Publications/Online/MSc2002/cg26.pdf}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2002e, Abstract = {We provide the first classification of different types of Random Boolean Networks (RBNs). We study the differences of RBNs depending on the degree of synchronicity and determinism of their updating scheme. For doing so, we first define three new types of RBNs. We note some similarities and differences between different types of RBNs with the aid of a public software laboratory we developed. Particularly, we find that the point attractors are independent of the updating scheme, and that RBNs are more different depending on their determinism or non-determinism rather than depending on their synchronicity or asynchronicity. We also show a way of mapping non-synchronous deterministic RBNs into synchronous RBNs. Our results are important for justifying the use of specific types of RBNs for modelling natural phenomena.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Artificial Life {VIII}: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Artificial Life}, Editor = {Standish, R. K. and M. A. Bedau and H. A. Abbass}, Pages = {1--8}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Classification of Random {Boolean} Networks}, Url = {http://alife8.alife.org/proceedings/sub67.pdf}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://alife8.alife.org/proceedings/sub67.pdf}} @unpublished{Gershenson2002ua, Abstract = {We develop on the idea that everything is related, inside, and therefore determined by a context. This stance, which at first might seem obvious, has several important consequences. This paper first presents ideas on Contextuality, for then applying them to problems in philosophy of cognitive science. Because of space limitations, for the second part we will assume that the reader is familiar with the literature of philosophy of cognitive science, but if this is not the case, it would not be a limitation for understanding the main ideas of this paper. We do not argue that Contextuality is a panaceic answer for explaining everything, but we do argue that everything is inside a context. And because this is always, we sometimes ignore it, but we believe that many problems are dissolved with a contextual approach, noticing things we ignore because of their obviousity. We first give a notion of context. We present the idea that errors are just incongruencies inside a context. We also present previous ideas of absolute being, relative being, and lessincompleteness. We state that all logics, and also truth judgements, are contextdependent, and we develop a ``Context-dependant Logic''. We apply ideas of Contextuality to problems in semantics, the problem of ``where is the mind'', and the study of consciousness.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2006-11-28 20:18:32 +0100}, Note = {POCS Essay, COGS, University of Sussex}, Title = {Contextuality: A Philosophical Paradigm, with Applications to Philosophy of Cognitive Science}, Url = {http://cogprints.org/2621/}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://cogprints.org/2621/}} @unpublished{Gershenson2002ub, Abstract = {We propose that the discussions about ``where the mind is'' depend directly on the metaphysical preconception and definition of ``mind''. If we see the mind from one perspective (individualist), it will be only in the brain, and if we see it from another (active externalist), it will be embedded in the body and extended into the world. The ``whereabouts'' of the mind depends on our 1 of mind. Therefore, we should not ask if the mind is somewhere, but if it is somehow.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2006-11-28 20:18:44 +0100}, Note = {POCS Essay, COGS, University of Sussex}, Title = {Where is the problem of ``Where is the mind?''?}, Url = {http://cogprints.org/2620/}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://cogprints.org/2620/}} @unpublished{Gershenson2002uc, Abstract = {As a part of our effort for studying the evolution and development of cognition, we present results derived from synthetic experimentations in a virtual laboratory where animats develop koncepts adaptively and ground their meaning through action. We introduce the term "koncept" to avoid confusions and ambiguity derived from the wide use of the word "concept". We present the models which our animats use for abstracting koncepts from perceptions, plastically adapt koncepts, and associate koncepts with actions. On a more philosophical vein, we suggest that knowledge is a property of a cognitive system, not an element, and therefore observer-dependent.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2006-11-28 20:18:54 +0100}, Note = {Adaptive Systems Essay, COGS, University of Sussex}, Title = {Adaptive Development of Koncepts in Virtual Animats: Insights Into the Development of Knowledge}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs/0211027}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs/0211027}} @article{MarkoEtAl2002, Author = {Matus Marko and M. A. Porter and A. Probst and C. Gershenson and A. Das}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-07 12:18:35 +0100}, Journal = {InterJournal of Complex Systems}, Number = 588, Title = {Transforming the World Wide Web Into a Complexity-Based Semantic Network}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.NI/0205080}, Year = 2002, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.NI/0205080}} @unpublished{Gershenson2001a, Abstract = {In this thesis we present our work, where we developed artificial societies of intelligent agents, in order to understand and simulate adaptive behaviour and social processes. We obtain this in three parallel ways: First, we present a behaviours production system capable of reproducing a high number of properties of adaptive behaviour and of exhibiting emergent lower cognition. Second, we introduce a simple model for social action, obtaining emergent complex social processes from simple interactions of imitation and induction of behaviours in agents. And third, we present our approximation to a behaviours virtual laboratory, integrating our behaviours production system and our social action model in animats. In our behaviours virtual laboratory, the user can perform a wide variety of experiments, allowing him or her to test the properties of our behaviours production system and our social action model, and also to understand adaptive and social behaviour. It can be accessed and downloaded through the Internet. Before presenting our proposals, we make an introduction to artificial intelligence and behaviour-based systems, and also we give notions of complex systems and artificial societies. In the last chapter of the thesis, we present experiments carried out in our behaviours virtual laboratory showing the main properties of our behaviours production system, of our social action model, and of our behaviours virtual laboratory itself. Finally, we discuss about the understanding of adaptive behaviour as a path for understanding cognition and its evolution.}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:18:51 +0100}, Institution = {Fundaci\'on Arturo Rosenblueth}, Note = {Unpublished BEng Thesis}, Title = {Artificial Societies of Intelligent Agents}, Url = {http://cogprints.org/1477/}, Year = 2001, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://cogprints.org/1477/}} @inproceedings{Gershenson2001b, Abstract = {Any system based on axioms is incomplete because the axioms cannot be proven from the system, just believed. But one system can be less-incomplete than other. Neutrosophy is less-incomplete than many other systems because it contains them. But this does not mean that it is finished, and it can always be improved. The comments presented here are an attempt to make Neutrosophy even less-incomplete. I argue that less-incomplete ideas are more useful, since we cannot perceive truth or falsity or indeterminacy independently of a context, and are therefore relative. Absolute being and relative being are defined. Also the "silly theorem problem" is posed, and its partial solution described. The issues arising from the incompleteness of our contexts are presented. We also note the relativity and dependance of logic to a context. We propose "metacontextuality" as a paradigm for containing as many contexts as we can, in order to be less-incomplete and discuss some possible consequences.}, Address = {University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Set, Probability and Statistics}, Editor = {Florentin Smarandache}, Pages = {139--146}, Publisher = {Xiquan}, Title = {Comments to Neutrosophy}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/math.GM/0111237}, Year = 2001, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/math.GM/0111237}} @inproceedings{GonzalezEtAl2001, Abstract = {A cell can be seen as an adaptive autonomous agent or as a society of adaptive autonomous agents, where each can exhibit a particular behaviour depending on its cognitive capabilities. We present an intracellular signalling model obtained by integrating several computational techniques into an agent-based paradigm. Cellulat, the model, takes into account two essential aspects of the intracellular signalling networks: cognitive capacities and a spatial organization. Exemplifying the functionality of the system by modelling the EGFR signalling pathway, we discuss the methodology as well as the purposes of an intracellular signalling virtual laboratory, presently under development.}, Author = {P. P. Gonz{\'a}lez and M. C{\'a}rdenas and C. Gershenson and J. Lagunez}, Booktitle = {Advances in Systems Science: Measurement, Circuits and Control}, Editor = {N.E. Mastorakis and L.A. Pecorelli-Peres}, Publisher = {WSES Press}, Title = {Integration of Computational Techniques for the Modelling of Signal Transduction}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.MA/0211030}, Year = 2001, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.MA/0211030}} @inproceedings{GershensonEtAl2000a, Abstract = {This article analyses the properties of the Internal Behaviour network, an action selection mechanism previously proposed by the authors, with the aid of a simulation developed for such ends. A brief review of the Internal Behaviour network is followed by the explanation of the implementation of the simulation. Then, experiments are presented and discussed analysing the properties of the action selection in the proposed model.}, Address = {Acapulco, M\'exico}, Author = {C. Gershenson and P. P. Gonz{\'a}lez and J. Negrete}, Booktitle = {{MICAI} 2000: Advances in Artificial Intelligence}, Editor = {O. Cair{\'o} and L. E. S{\'u}car, F.J. Cant{\'u}}, Pages = {634--648}, Publisher = {Springer, Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, Title = {Action Selection Properties in a Software Simulated Agent}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0211039}, Volume = 1793, Year = 2000, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0211039}} @inproceedings{GershensonEtAl2000b, Abstract = {In this paper we name some of the advantages of virtual laboratories; and propose that a Behaviours Virtual Laboratory should be useful for both biologists and AI researchers, offering a new perspective for understanding adaptive behaviour. We present our development of a Behaviours Virtual Laboratory, which at this stage is focused in action selection, and show some experiments to illustrate the properties of our proposal, which can be accessed via Internet.}, Address = {Paris, France}, Author = {C. Gershenson and P. P. Gonz{\'a}lez and J. Negrete}, Booktitle = {{SAB} 2000 Proceedings Supplement}, Editor = {Jean-Arcady Meyer and Alain Berthoz and Dario Floreano and Herbert L. Roitblat and Stewart W. Wilson}, Publisher = {ISAB press}, Title = {Thinking Adaptive: Towards a Behaviours Virtual Laboratory}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs/0211028}, Year = 2000, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs/0211028}} @inproceedings{GershensonGonzalez2000, Abstract = {This paper presents a model for dynamic adjustment of the motivation degree, using a reinforcement learning approach, in an action selection mechanism previously developed by the authors. The learning takes place in the modification of a parameter of the model of combination of internal and external stimuli. Experiments that show the claimed properties are presented, using a VR simulation developed for such purposes. The importance of adaptation by learning in action selection is also discussed.}, Address = {Wollongong, Australia.}, Author = {C. Gershenson and P. P. Gonz{\'a}lez}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of {ISA} '2000}, Title = {Dynamic Adjustment of the Motivation Degree in an Action Selection Mechanism}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0211038}, Year = 2000, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0211038}} @inproceedings{GonzalezEtAl2000a, Abstract = {This paper proposes a model for combination of external and internal stimuli for the action selection in an autonomous agent, based in an action selection mechanism previously proposed by the authors. This combination model includes additive and multiplicative elements, which allows to incorporate new properties, which enhance the action selection. A given parameter a, which is part of the proposed model, allows to regulate the degree of dependence of the observed external behaviour from the internal states of the entity.}, Address = {Acapulco, M\'exico}, Author = {P. P. Gonz{\'a}lez and J. Negrete and A. Barreiro and C. Gershenson.}, Booktitle = {{MICAI} 2000: Advances in Artificial Intelligence}, Editor = {O. Cair{\'o} and L. E. S{\'u}car, F.J. Cant{\'u}}, Pages = {621--633}, Publisher = {Springer, Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, Title = {A Model for Combination of External and Internal Stimuli in the Action Selection of an Autonomous Agent}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0211040}, Volume = 1793, Year = 2000, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.AI/0211040}} @inproceedings{GonzalezEtAl2000b, Abstract = {This paper proposes to model the intracellular signalling networks using a fusion of behaviour-based systems and the blackboard architecture. In virtue of this fusion, the model developed by us, which has been named Cellulat, allows to take account two essential aspects of the intracellular signalling networks: (1) the cognitive capabilities of certain types of networks' components and (2) the high level of spatial organization of these networks. A simple example of modelling of Ca2+ signalling pathways using Cellulat is presented here. An intracellular signalling virtual laboratory is being developed from Cellulat.}, Address = {Montego Bay, Jamaica}, Author = {P. P. Gonz{\'a}lez and C. Gershenson and M. C{\'a}rdenas and J. Lagunez}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference: Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry {(MCBC} 2000)}, Date-Modified = {2006-01-12 18:12:33 +0100}, Title = {Modelling Intracellular Signalling Networks Using Behaviour-Based Systems and the Blackboard Architecture}, Url = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.MA/0211029}, Year = 2000, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/cs.MA/0211029}} @inproceedings{Gershenson1999, Abstract = {One of the objectives of Artificial Intelligence has been the modelling of "human" characteristics, such as emotions, behaviour, conscience, etc. But in such characteristics we might find certain degree of contradiction. Previous work on modelling emotions and its problems are reviewed. A model for emotions is proposed using multidimensional logic, which handles the degree of contradiction that emotions might have. The model is oriented to simulate emotions in artificial societies. The proposed solution is also generalized for actions which might overcome contradiction (conflictive goals in agents, for example).}, Address = {New York City, NY}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society {(NAFIPS} '99)}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:17:38 +0100}, Pages = {42--46}, Publisher = {IEEE Press}, Title = {Modelling Emotions with Multidimensional Logic}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/yek3ms}, Year = 1999, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/yek3ms}} @inproceedings{Gershenson1998a, Abstract = {La l\'ogica multidimensional es un nuevo sistema de l\'ogica propuesto para modelar l\'ogica paraconsistente. Una breve definici\'on de l\'ogica paraconsistente y ejemplos de cuando es usada son dados. Se definen los principios y propiedades de la l\'ogica multidimensional, tales como las variables l\'ogicas multidimensionales. Los operadores l\'ogicos Y, O, NO, SI... ENTONCES y SI Y S\'OLO SI son definidos y explicados para la l\'ogica multidimensional. Adem\'as, se definen equivalencia, grado de contradicci\'on, y la proyecci\'on de la l\'ogica multidimensional en la difusa. Esto incluye un peque\~no programa que}, Address = {Xalapa, M\'exico}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Memorias {XI} Congreso Nacional {ANIEI}}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:16:03 +0100}, Pages = {132--141}, Title = {L\'ogica Multidimensional: Un Modelo de L\'ogica Paraconsistente}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/y9hb4e}, Year = 1998, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/y9hb4e}} @inproceedings{Gershenson1998b, Abstract = {El simulador CRASH (Car and Road Automated Simulation in Hyperways) usa programaci\'on orientada a agentes para modelar el tr\'afico de una ciudad sin necesidad de sem\'aforos, tratando de demorar los veh\'{\i}culos el menor tiempo posible (y sin que se impacten). Esto se hace por medio de agentes en cada autom\'ovil y en cada cruce, y un control central. Se hace una breve introducci\'on al modelo de programaci\'on orientada a agentes, para despu\'es explicar el modelo del simulador. Se describen las clases usadas en la implementaci\'on, sus propiedades y sus relaciones, mostrando el diagrama de las clases. Finalmente, se exponen las conclusiones que se llegaron con las simulaciones.}, Address = {Xalapa, M\'exico}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Memorias {XI} Congreso Nacional {ANIEI}}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:16:34 +0100}, Title = {Control de Tr\'afico con Agentes: {CRASH}}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/ybgwk8}, Year = 1998, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/ybgwk8}} @inproceedings{Gershenson1997a, Abstract = {Primero se introduce al lector con un poco de la historia del Juego de la Vida. Despu\'es se explican sus consecuencias en dos dimensiones, y por \'ultimo se discuten sus propiedades al llevar el Juego de la Vida a una tercera dimensi\'on, y se muestran algunos ejemplos.}, Address = {Monterrey, M\'exico}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Memorias X Congreso Nacional {ANIEI}}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:14:58 +0100}, Title = {El Juego de la Vida En 3D}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/y9j5ac}, Year = 1997, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/y9j5ac}} @inproceedings{Gershenson1997b, Abstract = {En el presente trabajo se abordan algunas aplicaciones de la Topolog\'{\i}a en la Computaci\'on, como el Juego de la Vida. Se tratan de ampliar los conocimientos actuales sobre estas aplicaciones y sus representaciones gr\'aficas. Se apoya la exposici\'on con un simulador de tiempo c\'{\i}clico. Tambi\'en se hace una propuesta para definir el Universo como un tiempo c\'{\i}clico.}, Address = {Monterrey, M\'exico}, Author = {Carlos Gershenson}, Booktitle = {Memorias X Congreso Nacional {ANIEI}}, Date-Modified = {2006-12-14 15:15:33 +0100}, Title = {Aplicaciones de la Topolog\'{i}a}, Url = {http://tinyurl.com/ym5vbz}, Year = 1997, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://tinyurl.com/ym5vbz}}