Carlos Gershenson's homepage



To run this simulation properly, you Netscape Navigator 4.* and Cosmo Player 2.*.

If the network connection is too slow, or you want to use the Save and Load interfaces, you should download the simulation, decompress it in a directory, and open with Netscape the file asia.html.

The Simulation needs permission for reading and loading files. If you aren't sure of what you're doing, or you don't trust us, or you're just paranoid, deny the permission. Download the Simulation, and run it without a connection to the Internet.

This is an old version of the Simulation, and no further development is being made in this stage. The bugs that are being found, are being corrected in the Simulation of an Artificial Society. For newer versions of this simulation, you should check here.

If the Simulation windows aren't loaded, press the reload button of your browser while holding the Shift key. Also sometimes the browser hangs up after using or during the simulation, due to Netscape's memory management of the Java applets. This happens randomly, and should be corrected in further versions of Netscape.

Any questions about the Simulation should be adressed to


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