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The Thirst of Life is the need of having an eternal struggle to conquer the impossible

This is what gives someone a motive to live. There are people which need only a few, and there're people that need a lot. Surprisingly, it seems that there are people that doesen`t need it at all. I think they live by inertia or something.

Theese impossibles, aren`t really impossibles, they`re only impossibles to the present. I mean, you can't imagine them. When you can imagine the future, when you live it, it's tasteless. An impossible could be death, certain kinds of love, etc. Every people will have his impossibles. When you conquer them or you desist the conquest, in that point, your life is meaningless. You will have to find another impossible to conquer to continue being human.

To Eve: To love with the intensity that took Adam to preffer the frobbiden fruit (Eve's love) instead of staying in paradise. This means that when someone eves, as Adam, he sacrifices all that was worthy for him or her. The other begins to be more important than his or her own life. The eve is caused by an unsatisfied Thirst of life. Every other couple affections, I believe, are caused by the reproduction instinct (sexual necesity) for the survival of the species.

I believe that it's necessary the term to eve, because when I was asking people my age:

-Which one of you has loved?

-I have.

-I have.

-I have.

-I have.

Everyone! At my surprise, a friend asked them:

-Has someone loved other people so much that that person it's more important to you than you are for yourselves?





No one... well, just the friend and I. I undesrtood love as that: caring someone more than you care for yourself. But like most people don't think like that, I suggest the term eve to design this kind of love, the only one that I can concieve and believe that's worth for.

It's cause, like I said, it's an unsatisfied Thirst of Life. The body, or the mind, or the soul, or whatever, sensing a lack of meaning in a life, it tends to give it a meaning by living for someone else. The caring, the love that's not eving, it's provoked by a vile sex impulse. Well, who knows how vile. Without those impulses the world population wouldn't be over 10.
