1 2 5 10 20 40
flocking1 all the same, they approach cruisev the faster pulls the slower two lines, change speed a lot change of speeds, go to sides of road, crash a bit… breaking, keeping distances… clog, few crashes
flocking2 oscillate, block each other take single line flock together clog together clog, few crashes
flocking3 average, keep together two lines, change speed a bit change of speeds, go to sides of road, few crashes breaking, keeping distances… clog, few crashes
selfish go side by side at maxV self-organize very nice self-organize very nice two lanes, one faster, no passes, a bit zigzagging a bit chaotic, lots of crashes…
minority take their side, then go at their cruisev self-organize nicely, fast ones can pass two lanes, at pace of slowest (in this case it's good!), with breaks two lanes, one faster, few passes, a bit zigzagging two lanes, maximum separation of all, few crashes anyway…
but they keep distance anyhow! (self-organize through anti-crash) -> environmental constrains play major role
faster if to evaluate more frequently, and more space