Econ 362

Spring 2024

First midterm grade distribution

Second midterm grade distribution

Final exam grade distribution



FINAL Outline with all revisions

Materials for class

Price indexes. Two goods, two years. Notation.

Price indexes. Two goods, two years. Example spreadsheet.

Total VA = GDP: example

How to make quantity indexes: example

Algebra of IS/LM and AD from old Mankiw edition

Graphs for class on inflation determination

Old exams

First midterm from Fall 2022

Second midterm from Fall 2022

Final exam from Fall 2022
First midterm from Fall 2023

Second midterm from Fall 2023

Final exam from Fall 2023

Second midterm from Spring 2024

Problem sets

First problem set on graphing

Second problem set on graphing

Price index problem set

Quantity index problem set

Problem set on Macro Statistics

Problem set on Z method and CRS

Production function problem set

Growth accounting problem set

Problem set on investment

Problem set on loanable funds

Problem set on small open economy

Problem set on unemployment rate

Problem set on Solow model of economic growth

Problem set on IS curve model and fiscal policy

Problem set on money supply and demand

Problem set on aggregate demand

Problem set about central bank setting M versus r

Problem set on monetary policy with interest-rate targets

Course evaluation form