There are a number of required readings for the course; they come from journals, websites, and books. The schedule of readings is listed in the syllabus and on the website. The required journal articles for the most part are included in the binders that you have been given.
Our main textbook is:
This book costs about $40. You can buy it at Barnes and Noble on Vestal Parkway (they might have to order out for them), or on-line at or
There are a few copies on reserve at all the hospital libraries, and at the Clinical Campus main offices. Many of the readings are also available on-line at the SUNY Upstate Medical University website. To access the readings on-line, go to the ``e-reserves'' section of the library's website. You will need your LEAP password. If you don't have a LEAP password, contact the library to get one.
I urge you to read the required selections before the relevant didactic session, so you can participate more actively in the discussion.
Questions on the written exams will be derived in part from the readings.
Chris Ryan 2012-07-08