Any students in Guthrie at the time of the Primary Care OSCE will need to return for the exercise.
Some of you may have a long drive from Guthrie to your Primary Care site. To make things a bit easier, there is an option available to students assigned to Lisle, Afton, Greene, Windsor, and Deposit, during their time at Guthrie. Those students may arrange to attend Primary Care office hours for a full day every other week (Tuesday or Wednesday, whatever is their usual day.) This would mean going directly to the Primary Care office first thing in the morning, with no activities whatsoever at Guthrie on those days. When they are finished at Guthrie, those students should revert back to the schedule of one afternoon per week at their Primary Care office. If you choose to use this option, you should coordinate with your preceptor and with your clerkship at Guthrie, specifying which weeks you will attend Primary Care. If we have a didactic session scheduled while you are at Guthrie, you should attend your Primary Care office hours that morning and come to the didactics in the afternoon.
Chris Ryan 2012-07-08