Masatsugu Suzuki
Office: S2-157A
Phone: 607-777-4320
E-mail: suzuki@binghamton.edu
Graduate and Postdoctoral
- Professor Yasuo Gondo (retired)
Department of Electrical
Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan
(undergraduate thesis adviser). “Study on magnetostriction of Ni-Fe
permalloy thin film.”
Professor Tokio Ohta (retired)
Department of Electrical
Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan (master's
degree thesis adviser).
"Thermopower of plasmon coupled
Professor Sei-ichi Tanuma (the late)
Institute for Solid State
Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan (PhD thesis adviser). “Surface
current effect in bismuth and a new method of observation for quantum
- Professor Hironobu Ikeda (the late)
Department of Physics,
Ochanomizu University, Japan (postdoctoral adviser). "Magnetic phase
transitions of two dimensional random spin systems by neutron
scattering, heat capacity, ultrasonic attenuation, and SQUID
- Professor Yoji Koike
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of
Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
- Professor Toshiaki Enoki
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Professor Motohiro Matsuura
Department of Management and
Information Science, Fukui University of Technology, Fukui, Japan
- Dr. Jürgen Walter
Department of Materials Science and Processing,
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
- Dr.
Itsuko S. Suzuki
Department of Physics, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, USA