Classics 305/Theatre 389A – Ancient Comedy in Performance – Spring 2009, Binghamton University SUNY - Starks

Syllabus/Daily Assignments:
Readings and performance work are TO BE COMPLETED BY the date they appear on the syllabus as they will constitute the principal material for that day's discussion. On the nonreading days, I will present theater-related material and background for the comedy you will read for the next class. Oral Presentations are marked as 5% and 10% and are due on the days listed on the syllabus.

All Texts are on Reserve at the Library.

NOTE: ALWAYS read the introduction to each play before you begin and use any notes as you need to. Try to read as much as possible without stopping to read notes

Script and Blocking Notes for Femme Phantasmagoria (Thesmophoriazousai)




M 1-26

Introduction. What is Comedy? Greek Old Comedy and 5th century Athens

Comedy Names and Words

W 1-28

Origins of Old Comedy. Ritual. Drama Festivals. The Comic Poet and Competition. The stage 

Aristophanes 1: pp. vii-xxxv; Three Plays by Aristophanes, pp. 3-14, 19-20 Greek and Roman Theaters
 Univ of Sask.theaters

Casting for production Greek and Roman Theater Web-Link

M 2-2

Aristophanes Clouds Bust of Socrates

Aristophanes 1: Clouds Performance Group #1
Rehearsals Begin Rehearse French Scenes 1-4

W 2-4

Aristophanes Wasps

Aristophanes 1: Wasps  Performance Group #2
Rehearse French Scenes 5-10

M 2-9

Aristophanes Birds

Aristophanes 1: Birds Performance Group #3

Rehearse French Scenes 11-15

W 2-11


Oral Assignment: 5%

5%!! 1-2pp. "What makes me laugh: an examination of my sense of humor and the comedy that works on me"

Rehearse French Scenes 16-22

M 2-16

PRESIDENTS’ DAY (because everyone needs to celebrate William Henry Harrison, James Buchanan, Chester Arthur, Warren Harding and Richard Nixon with the same gusto as used to be afforded only to Washington and Lincoln) –

NO CLASS (indeed!)


W 2-18

Greek actors and acting. Costuming. Masks. The Chorus. Dance. Music.


Aristophanes Lysistrata

Three Plays by Aristophanes, pp. 15-19, 20-29


Three Plays by Aristophanes: Lysistrata
Rehearse 1-4

M 2-23

Aristophanes Women at the Thesmophoria
Kinsman Kidnaps Wineskin

Three Plays by Aristophanes: Women at the Thesmophoria

Performance Group #4  
Rehearse 5-10

W 2-25

Dance Rehearsal – I am delivering a paper and directing scenes from Plautus’ Curculio (The Weevil) at a

Roman Comedy Conference at Florida State University

Rehearse Dance

M 3-2

Dance Rehearsal – still conferring in Florida

Rehearse Dance

W 3-4

Aristophanes Assemblywomen 

Three Plays by Aristophanes: Assemblywomen 

Performance Group #5
Rehearse 11-15

M 3-9

The Shift to New Comedy – Plautus Menaechmi


Plautus and Terence Five Comedies: Double Bind 99-184

Rehearse 16-22

W 3-11


Rehearse 1-10

F 3-13



M 3-16


Rehearse 11-22

W 3-18

REHEARSAL 3.30-4.30 Lecture 8, 4.30-5.40 Lecture 9

Work 1-10

M 3-23


Work 11-22

W 3-25

REHEARSAL 3.30-4.30 Lecture 8, 4.30-5.40 Lecture 9

First Run (OFF BOOK)

F 3-27

REHEARSAL TBA  in Lecture Hall 8

Work Show

Sa 3-28

REHEARSAL TBA in Lecture Hall 8

Run Show

Su 3-29

REHEARSAL  Lecture Hall 8

Run Show

M 3-30

REHEARSAL 3.30-5.40 DANCE STUDIO, 8-10 In Lecture Hall 8

Run Show

T 3-31

REHEARSAL 6-9 In Lecture Hall 8


Run Show

Midterm Posted here

W 4-1

REHEARSAL 3.30-4.30, 6-9 In Lecture Hall 8 – I am delivering a paper on Roman Comedy

at CAMWS in Minneapolis

Work Scenes and Dance

Th 4-2

Dance Rehearsal 6-9 In Lecture Hall 8 Still in Minneapolis

Work and Run Dance

F 4-3


Su 4-12

Spring Break

Work lines and blocking over break

M 4-13

PLEASE NOTE need to return from Spring Break this day for late afternoon rehearsal

4-9 in Lecture Hall 8

Tech Run, Full Run Partial Dress

T 4-14

6-9 in Lecture Hall 8

Full Run Partial Dress

W 4-15

8-9.30          Lecture Hall 8

3.30-4.30 Lecture Hall 8 – 4.30-5.40 in Class


Tech Work at early rehearsal, Work Scenes afternoon


Full Dress Rehearsal evening

Th 4-16



F 4-17

CALL 5.00 SHOW 7-8 PM


Sa 4-18



M 4-20

Film Comedies that Draw on Ancient Comedy 


Read Plautus Towelheads (Poenulus)


I'll bring several clips from great comedies to share and discuss


Rome and the Mysterious Orient, 183-271

original prologue of Poenulus (Puny Punic) 

W 4-22

Shift to New Comedy. 4th-3rd century Athens 
Menander Roman comedy (fabula togata) and 
Greek New Comedy (
fabula palliata)
Roman Actors and Acting. The Stage. 
Costumes Stock Characters and Society. Music. Audience. Second-century Rome

Greek and Roman Theaters
Univ of Sask.theaters

 Greek and Roman Theater Web-Link

Intro to Rome and the Mysterious Orient 1-53

Plautus and Terence Five Comedies Introduction vi-xii + each of the intros to individual plays

M 4-27

The Roman Comic Poet. Festivals. Competition

Roman Mime. Imperial Theater. 
What Happened to Roman Comedy?

Terence Hecyra (The Mother in Law) – what went wrong with this play?

Perform Scenes from Roman Comedy:


Everyone Reads Plautus and Terence Five Comedies: The Mother in Law 295-344


Perform 10 minutes of scenes from

Plautus: Five Comedies: Major Blowhard Performance Group #1
Plautus: Mysterious Orient: Weevil Performance Group #2
Terence: Hecyra: Mother in Law Performance Group #3 
Plautus: Five Comedies: Menaechmi (Double Bind) Performance Group #4
Plautus: Mysterious Orient: Towelheads (Poenulus): Performance Group #5

W 4-29

Video Presentations

8 - 10% Oral Video Presentations

M 5-4

Video Presentations

8 - 10% Oral Video Presentations

W 5-6

Video Presentations

8 - 10% Oral Video Presentations


FINAL EXAM on Roman Comedy (12-3 PM) 

Plautus: Comedies 1: Braggart Soldier Group #1
In Plautus: Comedies I: The Weevil Group #2
In Plautus: Comedies I: The Captives Group #3 
Plautus: Comedies I: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wedding Group #4
Comedies I: Amphitryon Group #5