Carlos Gershenson

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

This is an old webpage. Updated information about the author can be found here. Carlos Gershenson

I am a Mexican researcher, just finished a PhD within the ECCO group at the Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Dutch-speaking Free University of Brussels. My promoters were Francis Heylighen, Diederik Aerts, and Bart D'Hooghe.

Recent work is down here.
Or if you need my contact details.

Publication list with abstracts, or without, or BibTeX.    Curriculum Vitæ. Short CV.

I have a wide variety of academic interests, including self-organizing systems, artificial life, evolution, complexity, cognition, artificial societies, and philosophy. I am also Contributing Editor for Complexity Digest, Book Review Editor of Artificial Life, and webmaster of

I studied the MSc in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems in the School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences (COGS) of the University of Sussex (2001-2002). My thesis "A Comparison of Different Cognitive Paradigms Using Simple Animats in a Virtual Laboratory, with Implications to the Notion of Cognition" was supervised by Chris Thornton and Inman Harvey. You can find my webpage from that period here.

Before that, I did a BEng in Computer Engineering at the Fundación Arturo Rosenblueth in Mexico City (1996-2001), from which my thesis was "Artificial Societies of Intelligent Agents". My advisors were José Negrete Martínez, Pedro Pablo González Pérez, and Jaime Lagunez Otero. During this period I also collaborated with Jaime Lagunez's group at the Instituto de Química, UNAM and coursed five semesters of Philosophy at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. My webpage from my undergraduate years can be found here: Los Hijos de Khärlyl You will find most of my scientific and philosophical work, papers, computer programs, and art of those bygone days (1997-2001).

A bit more about me.

| Colección de Aforismos / Aphorisms Collection | (1997-)

Gallery, my recent paintings and drawings. Some photos. Complex Humour

new!My blog: Complexes [E-mail subscribe][Feed]

Latest headlines:

Recent work

new!I defended my PhD thesis on May 2nd, 2007!!! (see media coverage)

new!The World as Evolving Information.

I organized together with Tom Lenaerts a workshop on the "Evolution of Complexity", which was held at the ALife X conference. As an outcome, we are organizing a Special Issue on the same topic on the Artificial Life journal. Submission deadline was December 15th, 2006.

book coverI organized a session on Philosophy and Complexity at the Complexity, Science & Society Conference, which was held in Liverpool, UK, 11-14 September 2005. new!The book "Worldviews, Science, and Us: Philosophy and Complexity" is a follow-up of this session, edited by myself, Diederik Aerts, and Bruce Edmonds.

On Self-organizing Systems S-O.S

On Random Boolean Networks
Edge of Chaos...

Cognitive Paradigms: Which One is the Best? Cognitive Systems Research 5(2):135-156, June 2004.

new! Complexity and Philosophy, together with Francis Heylighen and Paul Cilliers.

How can we think the complex?, together with Francis Heylighen.

Programming projects (including source code) 1996 - .


Contact details

Carlos Gershenson
Centrum Leo Apostel
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Krijgskundestraat 33
B-1160 Brussel - Belgium

Phone: +32 2 640 67 37
Fax: +32 2 644 07 44

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