
  • Schedule subject to revision at instructor's discretion. Assignments due on dates indicated. Last updated 12 May, 2021
12-Feb Introduction to class (no assignment).
15-Feb Alphabet, pronunciation practice — use introductory handout.
Oral preparation at home: Written homework due in class:
  • Write out the Greek alphabet, as per handout, upper & lower case. Include:
    • Name (in English) of each letter
    • Sound (in English letters)
    • Variant form(s) of letters that have them
  • Write a few lines of a poem or song in English, but spell with Greek alphabet, as if to teach it to an ancient Greek
    1. For all written homework for this class, skip multiple lines to give me space to write comments.
    2. Use handout.
    3. All breathings (as per handout).
    4. But no internal breathings.
      • "Household" becomes αὑσολδ (note the breathingt over the upsilon, αὑ). Not Ηουσηολδ or ηουσηολδ. For dipthongs at the beginning of a word, the breathing goes over the second vowel. αὐ ("ow," smooth breathing — no "h" sound), not ἀυ.
    5. No accents (~ ´ `) for now.
    6. No silent letters (αὑς, not αὑσε).
    7. Some sounds in English just don't transfer; try to find the best choice.
17-Feb Greek reading. In Athenaze bk1. Read OUT LOUD at home, and figure out the meaning of, the story on page 2, lines 1-9 ("alpha-reading," the story with which the "alpha" [α] half of chapter one begins.)
  • This time, prepare only for oral translation-discussion, no writing
  • USE VOCAB HELP pp. 1-2; also "Greek to English Vocabulary," end of book (pp. 395 ff.)
Take notes on all vocab and grammar issues. Keep a vocab reference, for instance, flashcards. Use to memorize homework vocab.
19-Feb Translate on paper, be ready to read out loud and to answer questions on, α-reading — all (p. 2).
  • As always, skip multiple lines
  • Please translate the Greek into coherent English
  • Word order: as in modern English (no Yoda talk)
  • Be reasonably literal (close to original, but not too free)
  • Translate all particles (little words — δέ, γάρ, οὖν, etc.)
    • μέν — for now we're ignoring this one
    • δέ — always translate, = either "and" or "but," use your judgment. Always translate it in front of the word unit (one or two words) it follows. For instance,
      • ὁ δὲ ἀγρός =
      • "and/but the field,"
      • not "the but/and field"
    • γάρ — also post-positive = "because," "since," to explain things. We often translate it as "for," but in the old-fashioned sense of "because/since"
    • καί — not post-positive. "And," it adds on whatever follows it. καὶ ὁ ἀγρός, "and the field"
    • ἀλλά — not post-positive. This is more than "but," though often translated that way. Think of it as
      • "No, not that, but this"
      • "On the contrary"
      • Then there's the old fashioned "nay, rather"
      • "But" often works fine
    • τε . . . καί — "(both) . . . and." The τε is post-positive, the καί isn't. We usually ignore the τε. ὅ τε οἶκος καὶ ὁ ἀγρός, "(both) the house and the field"
    • οὖν — post-positive, "so," "and so." Sometimes (rarely!) "therefore"
    • We'll meet other particles — equally important — soon
  • Use translation aids
    • My handouts
    • The alpha-vocabulary pp. 1-2
    • Notes following story
    • Glossary back of book ("Greek to English Vocabulary")

Henceforth, all readings, α or β, to be done this way.

22-Feb [previous assignment, cont'd]
24-Feb Prior to class, complete Google form. Access form via your Bmail, subject "GRK 101 Questionnaire, Complete by 24-Feb class"

CH1 α grammar, vocab, exercises. READ and STUDY CAREFULLY pp. 3-5, items 1-3.

CH1 oral quiz on sects. 4-5 (paradigms, particles) of HANDOUT. (Grade for oral quizzing always figured into participation.)

WRITE OUT exercise 1α ("one-alpha," p. 5), #s 1-5. 1β (p. 12), #s 1-4, GRK-to-ENG and ENG-toGRK, as directed.

Now and henceforth:

  • Be ready to read out loud any Greek you're assigned to read or write
  • Make use of online "handout" (PDF doc) for clarification of material in book
  • For ENG-to-GRK, focus on using correct vocab, word forms, spelling. Check and re-check everything. Breathings, but no accents
26-Feb CH1 β grammar, vocab, exercises.

ORAL QUIZ. Sects. 4-5 (paradigms, particles) of HANDOUT.


  • Ch1 Quiz-Quote, as per syllabus — translate it in writing, note down (in writing) a brief paragraph's worth of comment (not random thoughts, but something relevant to info supplied in the quotation notes)
    • From here on in, Quiz-Quotes always this way.
  • 1β (p. 12), #s 1-4, GRK-to-ENG and ENG-toGRK, as directed.
    • Make use of online "handout" (PDF doc) for clarification of material in book
    • For ENG-to-GRK, focus on using correct vocab, word forms, spelling. Don't worry about accents!
1-Mar CH2 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study grammar pp. 16-18 (indicative, imperative moods; proclitics).

Oral quiz, sects. 1 a-c of ch2-apha handout ("I," "you," "he/she/it" forms of ἐλαύνω-"drive", φιλῶ-"love," εἰμι-"am"). Memorize the verb forms (the gray boxes).

Write 2α odds; 2β 1-5, 9; 2γ, all.

1-Mar Afternoon through evening of 1-Feb: CH1 WRITTEN (takehome) QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.

Quiz content. Expect:

  • Vocab. Use your flashcards or similar aids to memorize! Concentrate on Greek words featured in:
    • Exercises
    • Assigned readings
    • Handouts
  • Sentence translation Greek to English based on assigned grammar exercises
  • Translation from assigned reading (for ch1, that'll be α-reading lines 1-10)
  • Sentence translation from English to Greek
  • Quiz-Quote. Be ready. . .
    • To ID author and/or work, as appropriate
    • To translate
    • To supply a paragraph's worth of comment pertinent to quote. Not just a repeat of what you wrote on your homework, but something relfecting as well your notes on discussion in class
      • I am very much interested in your personal take on the the quotation. Still, that needs to respond to — to reflect and to show awareness of — the historical and/or literary context of the quotation. You can use notes supplied with the quotation to help with that
    • All written quizzes this way henceforth
3-Mar Write translation of, be prepared to answer questions about, Ch2 β-reading (p. 23) — all of it.

CH2 Quiz-Quote, as per syllabus.

5-Mar CH2 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study pp. 24-25 (case forms, case use, verb accent).

Oral quiz on ch2-beta handout sects. 4-5.

Write 2δ ALL (case-number-gender of article MUST AGREE with noun form); 2ε ALL (careful with completion of adj-noun agreements and verb forms); 2ζ just ENG-TO GRK sentences, #s1-4.

8-Mar CH3 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study pp. 31-32.

Oral quiz on paradigms, ch3-alpha handout sect. 4: NEW FORMS (3rd pers. plur. indic., 2nd per. plur imperative, infinitive) PLUS OLD FORMS as on handout.

Write 3α odds; 3β 1-5.

8-Mar CH2 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.
10-Mar CH3 β-reading, write translation of ALL.

CH3 Quiz-Quote as per usual

12-Mar CH3 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study pp. 39-40 (more on cases, etc.).

Oral quiz on paradigms ch3-beta handout sect. 5.

Write 3γ ALL; 3δ all (careful with fill-in agreement, etc.); 3ε just ENG-to-GRK 1-3.

15-Mar CH4 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study noun and verb forms pp. 47-51.

Oral quiz on paradigm, sect. 4 (d) ἡ καλὴ κρήνη etc., sect. 5 (b) all listed forms of εἰμι (indic., imperat., inf.), ch4-alpha handout. Those will be forms in light blue highlight.

Write 4β ODDS. 4γ ALL. 4δ 1-3.

15-Mar CH3 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.
19-Mar CH4 Beta-reading, ALL.

CH4 Quiz-Quote.

22-Mar CH4 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study noun and adjective forms pp. 57-61.

Oral quiz on all forms of πολύς, ch4-beta handout, sect. 2.

Write 4κ ALL; 4λ 1-3.

24-Mar CH5 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study grammar pp. 68-70 (α-contract verbs, men, de plus article, elision).

Oral quiz on CONTRACTED forms of ὁράω, "see" — ch5-alpha handout sect. 3.

Write 5β, all (read out loud and write translation of the plur. forms in the book; then write out the corresponding singular form — from the "we" form to the "I" form, from the "you-all" form to the "you" sing. form, from the "they" form to the "he/she/it" form); 5γ, all (like 5β but the reverse); 5δ 1-4 just ENG-to-GRK.

26-Mar CH5 β-reading, lines 1-17.

CH5 Quiz-Quote.

26-Mar CH4 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.
29-Mar CH5 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study pp. 77-81 (subject-verb agreement, article position, possessives, autos).

Oral quiz on paradigms, ch5-beta handout sect.1.

Write 5ζ 1, 3, 5, 7; 5η 1-2; 5θ 1-3.

31-Mar TEST REVIEW, CH1 α grammar section through ch5 β grammar. Post 1 at least one question or issue to myCourses Discussion Board. Your post needs to address bigger issues with reference to grammar/translation material covered on test 1.


By two hours prior to class, please post at least one review question or issue in preparation for Test 1.

  • Questions/issues should be important/broad enough to merit discussion in class
  • They should focus on material to be tested
  • They should focus on Greek language, not on test format (for which, syllabus)

Please note that this is required homework, just as the test review is required attendance.

5-Apr CH6 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study pp. 88-93 (two-syllable contract ε-contract verbs [e.g., πλέω], voice, middle voice. deponent verbs).

Oral quiz on middle forms JUST of φέρομαι, ch6-alpha handout sect. 3.

Write 6γ 1-3; 6ε all; 6θ; 6η 1-4; 1-4.

5-Apr Midterm exam. CH1 α grammar section through ch5 β grammar. Format, procedures, study suggestions as per Syllabus.
7-Apr CH6 β-reading, write translation of lines 1-17 (through . . . τὴν γῆν).

CH6 Quiz-Quote — translate it in writing, note down (in writing) a very brief comment to share in class.

9-Apr CH6 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study pp. 86-87 (use of middle); prepositions (use of with genitive, dative, accusative); dative case.

Oral quiz on middle forms (JUST ποιοῦμαι etc., τιμῶμαι etc.), ch6-beta handout sect. 4.

Write 6ι (trans + IDs as per instructions) 1-5; 6λ 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 (ID use datives as per directions — indirect object, dat. of possessor, etc.; study p. 103 #6 for those uses); 6μ (article and noun in correct case-forms to match the prepositions; translate) ODDS.

12-Apr CH7 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study noun declensions pp. 113-118.

Oral quiz on paradigms, sect. 3 (a), 3 (c), ch7-alpha handout.

Write 7β ODDS as per instructions (just the numbered exercises on p. 117, but do study the intro material); 7γ 1-4; 7δ 1-8 (for fill-ins, think about whether you're dealing with "myself," "yourself," "him/her/itself"? case? number? gender? Use table provided p. 101).

12-Apr CH6 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.
14-Apr CH7 β-reading, write translation of lines 1-20.

CH7 Quiz-Quote

16-Apr CH7 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study grammar pp. 124-127. See as well Ch7-beta handout.

Oral quiz on Ch7-beta handout, sections

2. a. (noun χειμών)

3. α. (interrogative τίς; / τί;)

Write 7ε 3-9; 7ζ 1-5 (ID as instructed); 7θ (p. 129), just 1-3.

19-Apr CH8 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study middle participles pp. 132-134.

Oral quiz on on all forms of pres. mid. PTC of λύομαι (i.e., λυόμενος, etc.), ch8-alpha handout, sect. 3 (a).

Write 8β 1-7; 8γ 1-3, 5.

19-Apr CH7 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.
21-Apr CH8 β-reading, write translation of lines 1-19.

CH8 Quiz-Quote

23-Apr [21-Apr assignment, cont'd]
26-Apr CH8 β grammar sect. Study grammar pp. 145-1150, 128-129 (the place-words p. 124, noun and adjective declension, numbers, time expressions).

Oral quiz on paradigms ch8-beta handout sect. 1 (πᾶς), 2 (a) (all forms of numeral "one," εἷς, etc.).

Write 8δ 1-4; 8ε 1-4; 8ζ 1-4.

28-Apr CH9 α grammar, vocab, exercises. Study grammar (present active PTCs) pp. 158-159. Write 9β ALL, 9γ ALL. 9δ ENG-to-GRK 1-4. Ch9-alpha handout.
28-Apr CH8 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by midnight, as per syllabus.
30-Apr CH9 β-reading, write translation of lines 1-25.

CH9 Quiz-Quote.

3-May CH9 β grammar, vocab, exercises. Study grammar pp. 168-172 (more third decl. nouns, genitive uses, uses of article).

Oral quiz JUST on all forms of ἄστυ ("city/town"), ναῦς ("ship"), from ch9-beta handout sect. 4 (a)-(b).

Write 9ε ODDS. 9ζ 3-9. 9η 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12.

5-May [3-May assignment cont'd]
7-May CH10 alpha sect. Study pp. 184-187 (future forms, regular and irregular).

Oral quiz on all forms of act. fut of παιδεύω and of mid fut of παύω, ch10-alpha handout sect. 3 (a)-(b).

Write 10 β, 10γ ODDS (for guidance, use principle parts in chapter vocabs, also "Greek to English Vocabulary," pp. 323 ff.); 10δ 1-6, 8-10; 10ε 2-5.

10-May CH10 α-reading (that's alpha-reading!), write translation p. 183 of lines 1-20.

CH10 Quiz-Quote.

12-May CH10 beta sect. Study pp. 194-197, only sections 5-6 ("liquid-nasal" futures, εἶμι-"go" [NOT εἰμί-"to be"!] as irreg. future of "to go").

Oral quiz on all future forms of βάλλω, κάμνω; all forms of εἶμι-"go," as given on ch10-beta handout sect. 1 (b)-(c), plus all of handout sect. 2.

Write 10η all, 10 θ odds.

14-May [finish 12-May assignment]
13-May CH9 WRITTEN QUIZ. Upload completed quiz to dedicated myCourses GRK 101 site link by 12:00 noon, as per syllabus.
17-May FINAL EXAM REVIEW. Post 2 questions via myCourses GRK101 "Discussions" link
  • One of the two questions must address chapters studied since the last test
    • ch6 α grammar through ch10 β-grammar (and including both ch10 readings).
  • One of the two questions must address any major issue pertaining to Greek studied so far
    • This can be from any part of the semester, or it can be a more general question. But it should be pertinent to the final.
26-May Final exam. CH1 α grammar section through ch10 β-grammar (and including both ch10 readings), though with a special focus on material studied since the midterm. Format, procedures, study suggestions as per Syllabus.

© Andrew Scholtz | Modified 12 May, 2021