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Nanomechanics Laboratory


Journal Publications

  1. Z.-H. Liu, N. Li, Y.-C. Jiang, C.-L. Yi, C. Park, C.C. Fay, H.-B. Chew, C.-H. Ke, “Metal Passivation Strengthens the Interface in Titanium Composites Reinforced with Boron Nitride Nanotubes,” Materialia, Vol. 39, pp.102366, 2025. (pdf).
  2. J.-P. Lai, Z.-H. Liu, M. Karimi, M. Farahikia, W.-L. Cui, J. Pourghader, S. Aghazadeh, C.-H. Ke, R.N. Miles, "A Small Cavity for Detecting Sound-induced Flow," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 157, pp. 29-42, 2025 (pdf).
  3. D.-L. Wang, R. Chen, N. Anjum, C.-H. Ke, "Thermal Expansion of Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Additively Manufactured Ceramic Nanocomposites," Nanotechnology, Vol. 36, pp. 065703, 2025 (pdf).
  4. Z.-H. Liu, Y.-C. Jiang, D.-L. Wang, J.-P. Lai, H.-M. Zhou, J. Deng, C.-H. Ke, "Kinetics of Monolayer MoS2-encapsulated Nanobubbles on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Substrates," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 125, pp. 113103, 2024 (pdf).
  5. N. Anjum, D.-L. Wang, F.-L. Gou, C.-H. Ke, "Boron Nitride Nanotubes Toughen Silica Ceramics,"ACS Applied Engineering Materials, Vol.2, pp. 735-746, 2024.(pdf)
  6. J.-P. Lai, M. Farahikia, M. Karimi, Z.-H. Liu, Y.-C. Jiang, C.-H. Ke, R.N. Miles, "Effect of size on the thermal noise and acoustic response of viscous-driven microbeams," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 155, pp. 2561–2576, 2024 (pdf).
  7. Y.-C. Jiang, Z.-H. Liu, H.-M. Zhou, A. Sharma, J. Deng, C.-H. Ke, "Physical Adsorption and Oxidation of Ultra-Thin MoS2 Flakes: Insights into Surface Engineering for 2D Electronics and Beyond,” Nanotechnology, Vol. 34, pp. 405701, 2023 (pdf).
  8. Y.-C. Jiang, S. Sridhar, Z.-H. Liu, D.-L. Wang, H.-M. Zhou, J. Deng, H.B. Chew, C.-H. Ke, "The Interplay of Intra- and Inter-layer Interactions in Bending Rigidity of Ultrathin 2D Materials," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 122, pp. 153101, 2023 (pdf).
  9. Y.-C. Jiang, N. Li, Z.-H. Liu, C.-L. Yi, H.-M. Zhou, C. Park, C.C. Fay, J. Deng, H.B. Chew, C.-H. Ke, “Exceptionally Strong Boron Nitride Nanotube Aluminum Composite Interfaces” Extreme Mechanics Letters, Vol. 59, pp. 101952, 2023 (pdf).
  10. H.-M. Zhou, Y.-C. Jiang, C.-H. Ke, J. Deng, "Electric-field and mechanical vibration-assisted atomic force microscope (AFM)-based nanopatterning," Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, Vol. 10(2), pp. 021005, 2022 (pdf).
  11. N. Anjum, O.Q. Alsmairat, Z.-H. Liu, C. Park, C.C. Fay, C.-H. Ke, "Mechanical Characterization of Electrospun Boron Nitride Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposite Microfibers,", Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 37, pp. 4594–4604, 2022. (pdf)
  12. H.-M. Zhou, Y.-C. Jiang, C.M. Dmuchowski, C.-H. Ke,J. Deng, “Electric-field-assisted contact mode AFM-based nanolithography with low stiffness conductive probes,” Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, Vol. 10, pp.011001, 2022. (pdf)
  13. A. Azizi, X. Chen, F.-L. Gou, F. H. Rafsanjani, J. Goodman, I. Bae, S. Rangarajan, C. L. Arvin, B.G. Sammakia, C.-H. Ke, G. Zhou, S.N. Schiffres, “Additive Laser Metal Deposition onto Graphite,” Applied Materials Today, Vol. 26, pp. 101334, 2022. (pdf)
  14. N. Li, C.M. Dmuchowski, Y.-C. Jiang, C.-L. Yi, F.-L. Gou, J. Deng, C.-H. Ke, H.B. Chew, "Sliding Energy Landscape Governs Interfacial Failure of Nanotube-Reinforced Ceramic Nanocomposites,” Scripta Materialia, Vol. 210, pp. 114413, 2022. (pdf)
  15. P. Chavoshnejad, O.Q. Alsmairat, C.-H. Ke, and M.J. Razavi, "Effect of Interfiber Bonding on the Rupture of Electrospun Fibrous Mats," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 54, pp. 025302, 2021. (pdf)
  16. C.M. Dmuchowski, C.-L. Yi, F.-L. Gou, A. Sharma, C. Park, C.-H. Ke, "Oxidation Weakens Interfaces in Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Titanium Nanocomposites: An In Situ Electron Microscopy Nanomechanical Study," Extreme Mechanics Letters, Vol. 41, pp. 101045, 2020. (pdf)
  17. O.Q. Alsmairat, F.-L. Gou, C.M. Dmuchowski1, P.R. Chiarot, C. Park, R.N. Miles, C.-H. Ke, "Quantifying the Interfacial Load Transfer in Electrospun Carbon Nanotube Polymer Nanocomposite Microfibers by Using in situ Raman Micromechanical Characterization Techniques," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 53, pp. 365302, 2020. (pdf)
  18. H.-M. Zhou, C.M. Dmuchowski, C.-H. Ke, J. Deng, "External-Energy-Assisted Nanomachining with Low-stiffness Atomic Force Microscopy Probes," Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 23, pp. 1-4, 2020. (pdf)
  19. W.-Y. Qu, S. Bagchi, X.M. Chen, H.B. Chew, and C.-H. Ke,"Bending and Interlayer Shear Moduli of Few-layer Boron Nitride Nanosheets," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 52, pp. 465301, 2019. (pdf)
  20. W.-Y. Qu, F.-L. Gou, and C.-H. Ke, “Thermal-induced Irreversible Straining of Ultrathin Boron Nitride Nanosheets,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.114, pp. 051901, 2019. (pdf)
  21. F.-L. Gou, and C.-H. Ke, "Theoretical Predictions of the Interfacial Stress Transfer in Nanotube-reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites by Using a Strain-hardening Shear-lag Model,” Multiscale Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 236-246, 2019. (pdf)
  22. S. Signetti, X.M. Chen, C.H. Ke, and N.M. Pugno, "A Numerical-experimental Approach Towards Picomechanics and Picotribology: the Case Study of Defective Carbon Nanotubes Bundles," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 52, pp.255305, 2019. (pdf)
  23. C.L. Yi, L.Y Zhang, X.M. Chen, X.Q. Wang, and C.H. Ke, “Nanomechanical Unfolding of Self-folded Graphene on Flat Substrate,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 59, pp. 381-386, 2019. (pdf)
  24. J. Li, C.H. Ke, X. Tong, Y.F. Jia, S.W. Wu, Y.D. Jia, J. Yi, G. Wang, "Impact of free volume on shear band multiplication and bending plasticity," Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 747, pp. 136-143, 2019. (pdf)
  25. C.-L. Yi, S. Bagchi, F.-L. Gou, C.M. Dmuchowski, C. Park, C.C.Fay, H.B. Chew, and C.-H. Ke, "Direct Nanomechanical Measurements of Boron Nitride Nanotube - Ceramic Interfaces," Nanotechnology, Vol. 30, pp. 025706, 2019. (pdf
  26. S. Bagchi, C.-H. Ke, and H.B. Chew, "Oxidation effect on the shear strength of graphene on aluminum and titanium surfaces," Physical Review B, Vol. 98, pp. 174106, 2018. (pdf
  27. C.-L. Yi, S. Bagchi, C.M. Dmuchowski, F.-L. Gou, X.-M. Chen, C. Park, H.B. Chew, and C.-H. Ke, "Direct Nanomechanical Characterization of Carbon Nanotube - Titanium Interfaces," Carbon, Vol. 132, pp. 548-555, 2018. (pdf)
  28. C.-L.Yi, X.-M. Chen, F.-L. Gou, C.M Dmuchowski, A. Sharma, C. Park, and C.-H. Ke, “Direct Measurements of the Mechanical Strength of Carbon Nanotube - Aluminum Interfaces,” Carbon, Vol. 125, pp. 93-102, 2017. (pdf)
  29. X.-M. Chen, C. M Dmuchowski, C. Park, C.C. Fay and C.-H. Ke, "Quantitative Characterization of Structural and Mechanical Properties of Boron Nitride Nanotubes in High Temperature Environments," Scientific Report, Vol.7, Art No. 11388, 2017. (pdf) [BU news release]
  30. X.-M. Chen and C.-H. Ke, "Load Transfer and Energy Absorption in Transversely Compressed Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes." Coupled Mechanics Systems, Vol. 6, pp. 273-286, 2017. (pdf)
  31. V. Yamakov, C. Park, J.H. Kang, X.-M. Chen, C.-H. Ke, C. Fay, “Piezoelectric and elastic properties of multiwall boron nitride nanotubes and their fibers: a molecular dynamics study,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 135, pp.29-42, 2017. (pdf)
  32. W.-Y. Qu, X.-M. Chen, and C.-H. Ke, "Temperature-dependent Frictional Properties of Ultra-thin Boron Nitride Nanosheets," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 110, Art No. 143110, 2017. (pdf)
  33. C.-L. Yi, X.-M. Chen, L.-Y. Zhang, X.-Q. Wang, and C.-H. Ke, “Nanomechanical Z-shape Folding of Graphene on Flat Substrate,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, Vol. 9, pp.84-90, 2016. (pdf)
  34. X.-M. Chen, M. Zheng, Q. Wei, S. Signetti, N.M. Pugno and C.-H. Ke, “Mechanical Deformation of Nanotubes in Peeling Contact with Flat Substrate: an in situ Electron Microscopy Nanomechanical Study,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 119, 154305, 2016. (pdf)
  35. X.-M. Chen, L.-Y. Zhang, C. Park, C.C. Fay, X.-Q. Wang and C.-H. Ke, “Mechanical Strength of Boron Nitride Nanotube-Polymer Interfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 107, 253105, 2015. (pdf) [AIP press release]
  36. X.-M. Chen, C.-L. Yi and C.-H. Ke, "Bending Stiffness and Interlayer Shear Modulus of Few-layer Graphene", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, Art No 101907, 2015. (pdf)
  37. X.-M. Chen, L.-Y. Zhang, M. Zheng, C. Park, X.-Q. Wang and C.-H. Ke, "Quantitative Nanomechanical Charaterization of the van der Waals Interfaces between Carbon Nanotubes and Epoxy", Carbon, Vol. 82, pp. 214-228, 2015. (pdf)
  38. L. Yuan, X.-M. Chen, S. Maganty, J. Cho, C.-H. Ke, G. Zhou, “Enhancing the Cu2O/Cu interfacial adhesion by sandblasting copper surfaces,” Applied Surface Science, Vol. 357, pp. 2160-2168, 2015.(pdf)
  39. X.-M. Chen, L.-Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, X.-Q Wang, and C.-H. Ke, “Graphene Folding on Flat Substrates,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 116, pp. 164301, 2014. (pdf)
  40. Y.-D. Zhao, X.-M. Chen, C. Park, C. C. Fay, S. Stupkiewicz and C.-H. Ke, “Mechanical Deformations of Boron Nitride Nanotubes in Crossed Junctions,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, pp.164305, 2014. (pdf)
  41. M. Zheng, X.-M. Chen, C. Park, C.C. Fay, N.M. Pugno, and C.-H.Ke, “Nanomechanical Cutting of Boron Nitride Nanotubes by Atomic Force Microscopy,” Nanotechnology, Vol. 24, pp.505719, 2013.(pdf)
  42. X.-M. Chen, M. Zheng, C. Park, C.-H. Ke,"Direct Measurements of the Mechanical Strength of Carbon Nanotube-Poly(methyl methacrylate) Interfaces,” Small, Vol.9, pp.3345–3351, 2013.(pdf)
  43. X.-M. Chen, M. Zheng, C. Park, C.-H. Ke, "Collision and Dynamic Frictional Properties of Boron Nitride Nanotubes,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, Art No 121912, 2013.(pdf)
  44. S.Li, Q. Yuan, B.I. Morshed, C.-H.Ke, J. Wua, H.-Y.Jiang,"Dielectrophoretic responses of DNA and fluorophore in physiological solution by impedimetric characterization," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.41, pp.649-655, 2013. (pdf)
  45. M. Zheng, L.-F. Zou, H. Wang, C. Park, C.-H. Ke, "Quantifying the transverse deformability of double-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes using an ultrathin nanomembrane covering scheme," Vol.12, Art No 104318,Journal of Applied Physics, 2012.(pdf)
  46. M. Zheng, L.-F. Zou, H. Wang, C. Park, C.-H. Ke, "Engineering Radial Deformations in Single-Walled Carbon and Boron Nitride Nanotubes using Ultra-Thin Nano-Membranes," Vol.6, pp. 1814–1822,ACS Nano, 2012.(pdf)
  47. M. Zheng, C.-H. Ke, I.-T. Bae, C. Park, M.W. Smith, K. Jordan, “Radial Elasticity of Multi-walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes,” Nanotechnology, Vol. 23, Art No 095703, 2012. (pdf)
  48. M. Zheng, X.-M. Chen, I.-T. Bae, C.-H. Ke, C. Park, M.W. Smith, K. Jordan, “Radial Mechanical Properties of Single-walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes,” Small, Vol. 8, pp. 116-122, 2012. (pdf)
  49. M. Zheng and C.-H. Ke, "Mechanical Deformation of Carbon Nanotube Nano-Rings on Flat Substrate," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, Art No 074304, 2011. (pdf)
  50. O. Loh, X.-D. Wei, C.-H. Ke, J. Sullivan, H.D. Espinosa, “Robust carbon nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical devices: Understanding and eliminating prevalent failure modes using alternative electrode materials,” Small, vol. 7, pp. 79–86, 2011. (pdf)
  51. Q. Wei, M. Zheng and C.-H. Ke, "Post-buckling Deformation of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes,"Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 2, pp.308-314, 2010. (pdf)
  52. M. Zheng and C.-H. Ke, “Elastic Deformation of Carbon Nanotube Nano-rings," Small, vol.6, pp.1647- 1655, 2010. (pdf )
  53. C.-H. Ke, M. Zheng, I.-T. Bae, G.-W. Zhou, “Adhesion-Driven Buckling of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.107, Art No 104305, 2010. (pdf)
  54. C.-H. Ke, M. Zheng, G.-W. Zhou, W.-L. Cui, N. Pugno, R.N. Miles, “Mechanical Peeling of Free-Standing Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles,” Small, Vol. 6, pp. 438-445, 2010. (pdf)
  55. M. Zheng, K. Eom, and C.-H. Ke, “Calculations of the Resonant Response of Carbon Nanotubes to Binding of DNA,” Journal of Physics D- Applied Physics, Vol. 42, Art No 145408, 2009. (pdf)
  56. C.-H. Ke, "Resonant Pull-in of a Double-Sided Driven Nanotube-Based Electromechanical Resonator," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.15, Art No 024301, 2009. (pdf)
  57. C.-H. Ke, A. Loksztejn, Y. Jiang, M. Kim, M. Humeniuk, M. Rabbi, and P. E Marszalek, "Detecting Solvent Driven Transitions of poly(A) to Double-Stranded Conformations by Atomic Force Microscopy," Biophysical Journal, Vol. 96, pp. 2918-2925, 2009. (pdf)
  58. Y. Jiang, M. Rabbi, M. Kim, C.-H. Ke, W. Lee, R.L. Clark, P.A. Miecekowski, and P. E Marszalek, "UVA generates pyrimidine dimers in DNA directly," Biophysical Journal, Vol. 96, pp. 1151-1158, 2009. (pdf)
  59. M. Rivera, W. Lee, C.-H. Ke, P. E Marszalek, D. G Cole, R. L. Clark, "Minimizing Pulling Geometry Errors in Atomic Force Microscope Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy," Biophysical Journal, Vol.95, pp.3991-3998, 2008. (pdf)
  60. C.-H. Ke, Y. Jiang, P.A. Mieczkowski, G.G. Muramoto, J.P. Chute, and P.E. Marszalek, “Nanoscale Detection of Ionizing Radiation Damage to DNA by Atomic Force Microscopy,” Small, Vol. 4, pp. 288-294, 2008. (pdf)
  61. C.-H. Ke, M. Humeniuk, Hanna S-Gracz, P. E. Marszalek, “Direct Measurements of Base Stacking Interactions in DNA by Single-Molecule Atomic Force Spectroscopy,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99, pp. 018302, 2007. (pdf)
  62. Y. Jiang, C.-H. Ke, P.A. Mieczkowski, and P. E. Marszalek, “Detecting Ultraviolet Damage in Single DNA Molecules by Atomic Force Microscopy,” Biophysical Journal, Vol.93, pp.175-1767, 2007. (pdf)
  63. C.-H. Ke, Y. Jiang, M. Rivera, R. L. Clark, P. E. Marszalek, “Pulling Geometry Induced Errors in Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Measurements,” Biophysical Journal-Biophysical Letters, Vol. 92, pp.L76-L78, 2007. (pdf)
  64. Y. Zhu, C.-H. Ke and H.D. Espinosa, “Experimental Techniques for the Mechanical Characterization of One-Dimensional Nanostructures,” Experimental mechanics, Vol. 47, pp.7-24, 2007. (pdf)
  65. C.-H. Ke and H.D. Espinosa, “In-situ Electron Microscopy Electro-Mechanical Characterization of a NEMS Bistable Device,” Small, Vol. 2, pp. 1484-1489, 2006. (pdf)
  66. K.-H. Kim, N. Moldovan, C.-H. Ke, H. D. Espinosa, X. Xiao, J. Carlisle, O. Auciello, “Novel Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Probes for High Resolution Low-Wear Nanolithographic Techniques,” Small, Vol.1, pp. 866-874, 2005.(pdf)
  67. C.-H. Ke, N. Pugno, B. Peng, and H. D. Espinosa, “Experiments and Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Based NEMS devices,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 53, pp.1314-1333, 2005. (pdf)
  68. N. Pugno, C.-H. Ke, and H. D. Espinosa, “Analysis of Doubly-Clamped Nanotube Devices in Finite Deformation Regime,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.72, pp.445-449, 2005. (pdf)
  69. C.-H. Ke, H. D. Espinosa and N. Pugno, “Numerical Analysis of Nanotube Based NEMS Devices. Part II: Role of Finite Kinematics, Stretching and Charge Concentrations,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 72, pp.726-731, 2005. [pdf]
  70. C.-H. Ke and H.D. Espinosa, “Numerical Analysis of Nanotube Based NEMS Devices. Part I: Electrostatic Charge Distribution on Multiwalled Nanotubes,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 72, pp.721-725, 2005. (pdf)
  71. C.-H. Ke and H.D. Espinosa, “Feedback Controlled Nanocantilever Device,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, pp.681-683, 2004. (pdf)

Book Chapters

  1. X.-M. Chen and C.-H. Ke, “Structural and physical properties of boron nitride nanotubes and their applications in nanocomposites,” chapter in book “Boron Nitride Nanotubes in Nanomedicine,” Editors Dr. Gianni Ciofani and Dr. Virgilio Mattoli, Elsevier, 2016.
  2. C.-H. Ke and X.-M. Chen, “Interfacial Interactions in 1D and 2D Nanostructure-based Material Systems,” chapter in book “Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications,” Editor Dr. Quan Li, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-18292-6.
  3. C.-H.Ke, "Electromechanical Properties and Applications of Carbon Nanotube Nanocantilevers," chapter in book “Nanocantilever Beams: Modeling, Fabrication and Applications,” Editors Dr. Zaghloul and Dr. Voiculescu, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2015.
  4. C.-H. Ke and M. Zheng, “Nanoscale Adhesion Interactions in 1D and 2D Nanostructure-based Material Systems,” chapter 12 in book “Simulations in Nanobiotechnology,” Elsevier, 2011.
  5. C.-H. Ke and Q. Wei, "Advances in Nano-resonators: towards Ultimate Mass, Force and Molecule Sensing,” chapter 13 in book “Simulations in Nanobiotechnology,” Elsevier, 2011.
  6. C.-H. Ke and H.D. Espinosa, "Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) and Modeling," chapter 121 in the Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, 2006. (pdf)
  7. H.D. Espinosa and C.-H. Ke, "Nanoelectromechanical Systems - Experiments and Modeling," Applied Scanning Probe Methods, Vol. 5-7 Edited by B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs, and S. Kawata, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2006. (pdf)
  8. H.D. Espinosa, C.-H. Ke and N. Pugno, "Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS): Device and Modeling," Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, editor-in-chief Dr. Patrick Veyssière, Elsevier, 2005. (pdf)
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Last Updated: 3/11/15